
Friday Chat: Video is Back!

*topics covered: video chatting, Ignite, Ignite Boulder, acne, Tarable, Valentine’s Day, John Mayer, Declan’s Birth Story, Funny People of Twitter, Google Buzz, Facebook, speeding.

This article has 10 comments

  1. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    CORRECTION: Each Ignite slide lasts 15 seconds, not 5. It’s not THAT crazy.

    Also, Bryan is already teasing me about trying to be quiet, recording this in my office over lunch. FINE, WHATEVER!

  2. Jennifer

    Yay, video is back! We have nothing planned for the weekend, except going out for dinner on Valentine’s. And even that isn’t too exciting. Heh.

  3. MPPs Mom

    LOVE IT!

    Glad you brought it back. Great to hear you amiga 🙂

  4. zipper

    Mayer *is* a douche, always has been!

  5. tarable

    You know you got that speeding ticket because you were racing to Boulder to see me present at Ignite!

    Just try to slow it down on Saturday night, okay…especially with your family in the car.

    Thanks for including me in your Most Boring Week Ever. I think.

  6. Amy @ Living Locurto

    You are brave to do the video! I bow down to you. hee.

  7. Melissa

    Okay – First, your skin does looks great! Second, your hair is getting so long! AND YES, WTF, JOHN MAYER? I just want to slap him.

    I just won $100 from Dean & DeLuca on Twitter, so I am going shopping, Yo. And will probably do some damage at Costco. And I hate shopping.

    Other than that, we are staying in to celebrate Valentine’s Day because restaurants are crazy during the holiday.

    And now, I am going to look into Ignite KC. Have a good one!

  8. carrie

    Ooooh…I hear that kick ass song in the backgound. 😉

    PS – I love your videos…they are SOOO not “Best Week Ever, but boring.” In fact, I’d take yours over that anyday.

  9. Anonymous

    Oma always drove too fast but she was only caught that one time :)) AND her decendence have the same problem…AND I haven’t had to pay for any of them yet! LOL

  10. Megan

    I haven’t had a speeding ticket in 10 years – knock on wood!

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