
He’s not a movie virgin any longer.

Many people think that Bryan and I are screen time Nazi’s – in that Declan does not get much TV… and until today, he had never seen a full-length movie.

Don’t get me wrong, I think some of the kid’s programs today are really great. Declan regularly gets to watch Blue’s Clues, The Wiggles, Dora and other fare that is great for the toddler set. We just really strongly believe in monitoring the violence he is exposed to, and are not big fans of quick-cut overly-hyper style kids shows. In addition, Bryan is super sensitive about Declan’s ears since Bryan has had hearing loss himself – so we won’t be going to a theater anytime soon. (Why in the HELL does it have to be so loud anyway???)

So, Declan had never seen a movie. Until this afternoon.

We watched The Muppet Christmas Carol while we were trimming the tree – which is one of our most favorite holiday movies. We thought he might get scared at a few parts but mostly it would be fine.

Nope. Declan was scared shitless through a good part of it and kept crawling into my lap. Of course, he didn’t want to stop watching it or anything.

Ahh well. So much for shielding him from scary movies.

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