
It finally happened.

These words flew out of my son’s mouth at his his father this evening: “I AM NEVER TALKING TO YOU EVER EVER EVER AGAIN!”

The 30-minute argument that ensured was at times hilarious and at times heartbreaking from my post around the corner as I eavesdropped trying to “be there” if Bryan needed a tag-in. And when I say “argument,” I mean “Declan screaming his head off and Bryan calmly deflecting every blow like a champeen.” And you should have heard the backpedaling when Declan realized what “I am never talking to you ever again” actually means.

I am sure some of it is the level of stress he is feeling me bringing home from work, the craziness of the season – and simply put, kids are just kids sometimes… but it sure is hard when that kid comes home and lives with you for the night.

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