
It’s Really All About The Kids. (And The Earth.)

Art is starting to come in for the KID ART AUCTION FOR EARTH DAY! Thank you, thank you, thank to all the folks who have been talking about it, getting their kids involved, bidding, yadda yadda yadda. Not only because it’s a great group activity and it’s for a great cause, but MAINLY because I have been flapping in the wind over this thing.

No, seriously. I wanted to talk a little more about the original art sale that prompted this idea. While the day was fun for everyone, and everything, the most amazing part was the expression on those kid’s faces when we offered our money for their art. They felt so IMPORTANT. And VALUED. Granted, I am not into promoting consumerism, but promoting CONFIDENCE? Heck, yeah!

So, if you have been waffling about joining in – please get off the fence and jump right in. I loved how Oh My Stinkin’ Heck used the time for talking to her kids about why they were doing the project and what values are important to their family. While they were having fun! And being creative!


Here is a sampling of what is up for grabs so far! Remember, you *don’t* have to create art to bid on it!

This article has 10 comments

  1. zipper

    cute stuff!

  2. Kathy

    These are awesome!

  3. Catherine

    You are fabulous on so many levels, Aimee. On behalf of me, my kids and the earth, THANK YOU for jump-starting this awesome project. May it become a yearly tradition here at Greeblemonkey.

  4. megan

    love them all!

  5. Nadine

    Those are totally AWESOME!

  6. Julie Pippert

    Hi Aimee! Mayberry gave me a heads-up about this and I’ve got a promo for it over at Moms Speak Up. Great idea!!

  7. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Thanks so much Julie!

  8. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Bill! That is AMAZING!

  9. Bill (not Jill)

    Getting crowded over there! In a good way.

    While we’re on the subject, have you ever seen coverage of this exhibit? I was crafting a post about it, but we’ve put something up about our oldest son shitting himself instead. In the meantime, I thought this would be a good place to share.

    Math meets art meets Earth Day.

  10. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    A bunch more got added yesterday, guys!

    From Simply Nutmeg and also a whole elementary school class!!!!

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