
June Greeblemix!

Thanks again for keeping my mom in your thoughts. If you haven’t heard, she has been having heart and lung issues – the latest is she should be having heart surgery this week. My personal opinion is she is too ornery for anything serious to happen, but good vibes never hurt, right? So keep sending them.

NOW! On to music time. You know the deal!

But in case you don’t: I like music. A lot. So I give away three mix CDs of music I am digging, to three friends of this blog every month, on the first Monday of the month. Usually. Unless I am late. Ha. Mostly new music, some old – that I pick out over the month and put together for the new Greeblemix.

Here are the rules, such as it is.


1. Comment as often as you like, up until midnight TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 2010.
2. No anonymous comments.
3. Winners from last month, please take a month off.
4. Wednesday morning, I will use to randomly select three winners. Three free mix CDs for three winners!
5. Winners must be willing to give me their snail mail to send the CD. If you don’t send me your address, I can’t send the CD.
6. No need to have to have a blog to enter. We are equal opportunity around here.


Comment about anything you want to talk about… but just wondering – how are *your* parents? In good health? Still living? Ever had to assist them through an illness? Any good tips for being a patient advocate?

And as always, you guys rock.

This article has 23 comments

  1. KathrynW

    Sending good vibes for your mom! I’m sure everything will go well.

    My mom died of lung cancer when I was 16- she was 51. My dad, who is now 85, is battling a terminal lung disease – he smoked from the time he was 9 (they did that back then) til he was 61, Even though he quit 20 years ago, its his undoing now.

    I can only say we never know how long any of us will be around, and if there is anything I’ve learned, its to make the most of every day with your loved ones!

    You & your mom are in my thoughts.

  2. monstergirlee

    Good morning sunshine!

    Well, my parents are both in their mid-70’s so my health worries for them are not too far from my thoughts most of the time.

    They’ve both had health scares over the past 5 or 6 years, prostate cancer, flesh eating virus, pre-cancerous colon surgery, knee replacement on both knees so yes, I am concerned. It does seem like they’re getting good care and they look out for each other pretty well so thats good.

    But I spent the month of October with them in Mpls and I must say, they are busy busy busy! Active social seeing friends hanging out with each other it was really good for me to see them and see how Vital (I kind of hate that word but its apt) they are. Very much relieved a lot of my worries about them.

    So I didn’t mean to write a book, but since you asked 🙂

  3. chloebear

    I love summer and I am ready for some new music.

    Healing thoughts…

  4. zenrain

    Been thinking about your mom a lot, having just been through something similar with my Dad… after his 6 bypass surgery, he’s doing great 🙂 hugs to you xoxoxo Mar

  5. monstergirlee

    I too, am ready for SUMMER and new music! YAY!

  6. MargieK

    My parents — and my husband’s — are probably doing mostly good for their ages, but given that we’re in our early 50s and they’re in their mid 70s, things can go downhill fast.

    Skin cancer, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, back trouble, asthma, broken bones, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, and other assorted (mostly temporary) maladies… it’s always something.

    I’ve never commented for the Greeblemix before, usually because I tend to pop in on the weekends, and by the time I read about it, it’s all over.

    Margie in Fort Collins

  7. MB

    my parents are in great health, but they are also COMPLIANT. They do what the doctor says…and normally it works. So tell your mom to do what the doctor orders (as long as it makes sense!). 🙂

  8. HellTygr

    good vibes DEFINITELY being sent. 🙂
    My mom’s in great shape, but my dad keeps scaring us with random bouts of dizziness, tingling, and chest pain and tightness. He’s been to the ER three times in the past 5 years with those symptoms, and they can’t find anything wrong. Go figure. Of course, 10 years ago he did have a quadruple bypass and he’s also had several stents installed to keep various arteries open. So I can definitely feel your pain, he’s a rotten patient!

  9. SJ

    Oh my parents, you had to ask, right?

    My mom was in the ER last week due to an irregular heartbeat. She’s fine now though, not sure what’s going on with her.

    My father is driving back from the east coast with his two sisters. He’s 74 years old and has Parkinson’s and is a colon cancer survivor.

    Pretty normal stuff going on with my folks I must say…

    Here’s to wishing your Mom the best of luck!

  10. monstergirlee

    Just got back from a walk on the waterfront, hopefully getting healthier from the walk.

  11. SEF

    My parents are good. Actually visiting us this week and will be taking our two oldest back with them for a few days! A little nervous about their diminishing driving skills, but at least they’re very cautious.

    I would agree with MB. My mom’s a retired nurse, and even though she thinks she knows more than the doctors, she does what they tell her.

  12. tarable

    The only thing my parents are suffering from is their intense desire for a grandchild.

  13. Myssie

    My parents are in good health. I will be sending your Mom good health vibes!!

  14. Melissa

    Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions – Med professionals sometime need to slow down – I will be sending your mom and you lots of loving vibes.

  15. monstergirlee

    Holy crap its late and I should be in bed. So here I go.
    Good night Aimee!

  16. Urban Utopia Photography

    I am sending good, onery vibes for your mama…and for your patience. 🙂

    I, in turn, have parent issues. Serious ones. So we won’t talk about that right now… 🙂 lol


  17. nonlineargirl

    There is something about getting music in the mail that is so appealing.

    My parents are in their late 60s and doing very well. My mom just officially retired, but as a professor that means she’s not teaching but still gets to do research in between traveling.

  18. Nat

    My parents are in pretty good shape. My mom used to be a nurse and makes sure that, at the very least, my dad does the bare minimum to stay sort kind of healthy.

    But they seem to be becoming more conservative as they get older… and honestly, coming to some strange conclusions.

    Wishing your mom a speedy recovery.

  19. monstergirlee

    And me again.
    The sun is no longer shining, but at least its not raining.
    Sure could use some summer up here.

  20. NaysWay

    Aw dang, I didn’t hear about your mom, but I’m pulling for her. *hugs*

  21. Sheryl Kurland

    In answer to your inquiry for “Tips on being a good patient advocate”…I am a professional patient advocate, and we give out a form at seminars called “Prepare For Your Next Doctor’s Appointment”…because all you’ve got is about 10 minutes average with the doctor. It helps you, the patient, organize your thoughts, and be productive during your time allotment. If anyone would like the (free) form, request it by email:

  22. Vanessa

    thinking of your mom, aimee! sending really really good vibes.

    my dad just got out of hospital today (second stay in two months… second brain surgery to remove a persistent chronic subdural hematoma). he’s doing really well. taking it easy.

    so yeah… we’re rooting for the parents!

    because, seriously, good vibes and positive thinking? the absolute key.

    love to you!

  23. janice

    good vibes and positive thinking..You cant go wrong with that!

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