Kid Art Auction for Earth Day 2008
You asked for it, you got it! Nadine had a great idea to build off the Art Sale that Declan had recently. Let’s make it bigger, let’s take it online and LET’S ALL GET INVOLVED! So, I took it and I ran with it. And what better timing with EARTH DAY right around the corner!?!
Here’s how it works. And all proceeds will benefit We Can Solve It, a project from the Alliance for Climate Protection.
———- FOR PARENTS ———-
1. Have your little artist (aged 17 or younger) draw, paint, scribble… whatever… a masterpiece no larger than 24″ big. Or take from their stock, seeing as we all have stacks and stacks of their artwork sitting around, right? Please be sure careful about what artwork you pick though – do not reveal anything too private! This *is* the online world, after all! You do not have to be a blogger to participate! Come one, come all!
2. Have your kid(s) agree to donate their artwork to the first ever Kids Art Auction for Earth Day.
3. By participating, you agree to incur the shipping costs of your kid’s artwork to whoever “wins” their piece. To keep this cost reasonable, I am restricting the auction to North America only (sorry, Nadine!!!).
4. Take a nice, clear digital photo of the piece you are donating.
5. Make sure you are a Flickr member (it’s free!), and the join the Kids Art Auction for Earth Day 2008 Group.
6. Add the photo of your child’s artwork to the Kids Art Auction for Earth Day 2008 pool.
7. Once the bidding closes (April 22nd, 2008), ship the art to the winner!
———- FOR BIDDERS ———-
1. Visit the Kids Art Auction for Earth Day 2008 pool and peruse the masterpieces from all the kids participating.
2. Bidding starts at $5.00 for every work of art.
3. Make comments on each piece of art’s Flickr page to place your bids.
4. Closing date and time for the auction is 9pm Mountain time, Tuesday April 22, 2008 (Earth Day!).
5. After the closing time, I will go through the Flickr pool and finalize the winning bids.
6. Winners will be notified via Flickr mail! So please be a member of Flickr!
7. Once you know you are a winner, please make a donation in the winning amount to: THE WE CAN SOLVE IT PROJECT. All donations are tax deductible.
8. Once you have confirmation of your donation, copy and paste it into a Flickr mail to the parent of the artist (deleting any confidential information, of course!) and the parent will view that as a receipt for the donation. Let’s all play nice here – OK? No cheating? This will be totally fun for the kids and it’s for charity, right???
9. Include your shipping information in the Flickr mail, and the parent will then ship (via the cheapest mail delivery option) your won artwork to you!
———- FOR BLOGGERS ———-
1. If you are a parent, have your kid(s) participate!
2. Either way, spread the word! Here are badges for you to use! Link back to this post for the rules! Go forth and prosper!
What a great idea! I’m going to list my 2 year olds VERY FIRST school picture EVER.
I have a couple of wee artists on hand. We love art and the Earth…good combo. Thanks for getting this together.
What an awesome idea! I don’t have kids, but I look forward to seeing what everyone else puts in!
Declan is already a way better artist than I ever thought of being!
I am going to ask N this evening to participate. I hope somebody somewhere likes Star Wars.
This is awesome, Aimee! Zoe was watching me paint yesterday with a very keen interest, so there might be some art by a almost 11 month old. 🙂
Keely, bitsy baby art is the BEST!
And Tree, may the force be with you.
I am so excited about this. The toughest part will be picking which masterpieces to include.
That is really fun! I hope it goes well!
Amy, you are tha bomb!
And thanks to all of you who are so into it!
There might be a huge fight for the drawings my daughter does of me – I always have big hair and bigger earrings. I think I need to have her eyes checked!
Genius!! I will send this around at school as well. Maybe we can get a whole class to make stuff. And I’ll show the art teacher. Using the children to save the world…brilliant…bwahahahahaha
i am all over this!
what a great thing to do and what a great cause!
I wish I were a kiddo so I could participate, too. I miss coloring.
I’m in!
whew, glad your site is back up!
Awesome, Bill. I am honored that you will make special exception for the cause.
That is terribly awesome.
Okay, we’re in. I’m thinking… a collaborative effort from my 3½-year-old, my 2-year-old, and my four-month-old. It’ll be a mess.
My wife will just be shocked that I’m breaking up the collection. I’ve saved everything that’s come off the end of their Crayolas so far to date.
Great idea, thanks for putting it out there.
Thanks Aimee. On an aside, I love your blog… we just found it last night. The way to my wife’s blogroll is through her Izzard.
Cake please.
VERY COOL!! Looking forward to seeing them all!! And maybe decorate my apartment!!
Fabulous idea. I’ll be back to see what’s new.
Just a bid cut off!!! We’re gonna go a little loosy goosey this first go around!
My kids are way too small, but could I share this idea with my students at school and their parents? They are middle schoolers. It could be a great way to raise awareness in art class.
Kelly – absolutely! Amy/Inherent Passion is doing that too!
I have a special little piece of Tau art in mind … if I can get him to make one in time. Do you have a cut-off date for posting pics in the pool … or is it just the bid closing date?
Hey Aimee, we did a little post on BlogHers ACT Canada about this, and I’ve added the button to my blog, too. Early Happy Earth Day!
Added a Happypillar to the pool!
Okay, I posted it! Weeee!
Off to CREATE!
Everyone please keep adding art!!!! You can add art right up to the deadline if you want, it just has less time to get bid upon.
And bidding goes right up to the deadline of 9pm Mountain April 22, Earth Day.
H donated his key holders. Is that okay?
Is it too late to join?
This is making me weepy with how great and nice and positive this is. Some great artwork out there as well. I blogged about the Auction on mah blog as well.
i love this. i only wish i could have participated… i was traveling, bah!
This site is recommended in case of the auction.