
Lolly Lolly Lolly, Get Your Adverbs Here!

Yes, you guessed it. Declan found our DVD of Schoolhouse Rock. And, my friends, the addictive properties of those little ditties transcend the generations. He won’t watch anything else. NOTHING. ZIP. NADA.

It’s been like a time warp, man.

This one is my absolute fave. I do a perfect imitation of the rainbow “WOW!” Of course, Declan was quick to remind me he is not allowed to say the word, “darn.” My, how times have changed.

But here’s the thing. Did you know there was such a thing as Money Rock? Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all for teaching kids about using money wisely… but when did these come out, dude? Cause it sure seems like some insidious plot to get people to spend, spend, spend! Bryan and I have been joking non-stop that Reagan decided to make these videos the same day he decided ketchup was a vegetable.

Of course, the Money Rock tunes are Declan’s favorites.

This article has 22 comments

  1. Sue at nobaddays

    Consider yourself fortunate. We’re onto Bob the Builder … CAN! WE! FIX! IT!? Bob the Builder … YES! WE! CAN! Very tedious.

  2. zipper

    Conjunction Junction is definitely my favorite.

  3. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Good point, MB. It’s just following along, right?

    And Just A Bill is pretty awesome too, Allison!

    Oh, and P.S. we have the CD of the songs too – which he plays in his room too. What a nut.

  4. Keely

    Ooh, I remember these! Daniel and I are so excited to share the things we loved as kids… except I keep telling him Zoe might not enjoy Thundercats.

    Also, I didn’t comment yesterday but you’re the best secret I found out about this year! 😉

  5. Anonymous

    I feel like I about 9 years old again!

  6. Noble Savage

    Yeah, that Money Rocks one was definitely Reagan-era. Stop playing your useless ukelele just for fun, you must have a guitar and amps and be a BIG HUGE STAR. Blech.

    Love Schoolhouse Rock though.

  7. soccer mom in denial

    My guys could sing the preamble to the constitution at age 2. We still do for “old time sake”.

    I wish there was still children’s programming like THAT.

    Sigh. Another reason to love you.

    I’m Just a Bill is my favorite. Of course.

  8. MB

    Interjection is my favorite. And I think Dex should be able to say darn just so he can sing along. 🙂

  9. Sharkeysday

    Sniff. I bought that a long time ago and my kids won’t watch it! Boo hoo!

  10. merrymishaps

    What kind of bank is that where you can buy expensive equipment after one year? I think I usually make about $14 in interest a year …

  11. carrie

    Weird . . . Wyatt was singing that at the dinner table tonight (thanks to his reading teacher and her wonderful videos) and it was, I’m afraid, driving me insane.

    There is only so much lolly lolly lolly a girl can take.

  12. Doodaddy

    I know, huh? There are a whole bunch of Schoolhouse Rock segments that I *totally* don’t remember — and I watched copious amounts of TV. “Naughty Number Nine”? Sounds like a porn flick.

  13. DasBecca

    Thank you so much for the kind comment on my site. I stopped by to say hi, and I was SO stoked to see Schoolhouse Rock featured. Hee. I didn’t even watch them all yet– though I will– had to comment first and say you’re awesome for having them there in the first place.

  14. Queeny

    Schoolhouse Rock ROCKS!!! They don’t make ’em like that anymore.

    Interjection and Conjunction Junction are my faves.

  15. lauren

    Interjections was my fave too – and the adjectives one. Whatta kick!

  16. Anonymous

    I love Schoolhouse Rock!

  17. Tanaya

    “It’s Elementary, my dear…3 times 3 is 9…”

    The play some of the Schoolhouse Rock songs on Sirius Kids Stuff. I really like it and KMan thinks it is nifty that I know all the words.

  18. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    He was watching “Nouns” when I left this morning… he made me stay till they mentioned the Beatles, his favorite band. 🙂

  19. painted maypole

    i LOVE schoolhouse rock.

  20. emmwlr

    Yes, I was surprised by money rock too (I am also 38). I bought the complete schoolhouse rock DVD and my kids all learned their multiplication tables from it. You’ve gotta love hearing seven year olds singing “three, its a magic number” under their breath!
    Congratulations on your nomination.

  21. Anonymous

    these were hilarious to watch again!

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