
My Life Is Going To Change Forever.

Damn, that sounds dramatic.

But it kind of is.

In that, next week, I will be leaving my company. My real-life work company, the one I currently co-own and have built with my business partner for the better part of a decade.

We have told staff, we have told colleagues, and now I am telling you.

It feels… weird.

I’m planning to explore other things, the things I haven’t had time to do, which is exciting… but it is also like leaving a family of friends, not to mention a circle of co-workers who are extremely talented at what they do.

Clearly I have some thinking, some planning, to do – and as usual, a bunch of that will spill over, here. But some of it, I will hold tight inside, my own special treasure – because when you have worked so hard for something, you want to savor it.

Berry Flavor

This article has 53 comments

  1. Everyfann

    Best wishes, Aimee!

  2. Sarah K

    My life is changing forever too. So glad we are friends thru it all.

  3. velocibadgergirl

    A big step, but exciting! Best wishes for your next great adventure 😀

  4. Ms. Maxwell

    Holy crap. On the introspective side, doors close and windows open – especially with your brains and talent. On the irreverant side, can you pretty please do American Idol recaps in all the newly found spare time you’ll have? You nail it every. single. time. 😉

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Kim, that made my night.

    And Maxwell – *2 weeks,* AI will come back here, OK???

    thanks you all for your kind words. 🙂

  6. Sizzle

    Hoping the next part of your journey is exciting and soul-enriching.

  7. Julie {Angry Julie Monday}

    Best Wishes my friend….I know it has been a long road, with lots of twists and turns…

    Good news…maybe you won’t look like a teenager anymore…{wink wink}

  8. the mrs

    Good luck on your new adventure! I quit my job when we moved and decided not to get another one right away. I have since spent a lot of time thinking, exploring and enjoying. It’s wild and totally worth it.

  9. ExtraordinaryMommy

    I’m excited for this change for you…. I’m happy you will be taking a deep breath and allowing yourself the time to process the things in your heart. I don’t imagine it will be easy – but I have faith in you! Sending hugs my friend….

  10. Kim Hosey

    Change is always terrifying and exhilarating. Good for you, making the leap and exploring the next step, whatever it ends up being. Best of lick.

  11. Kim Hosey

    Oh my God. Best of LUCK.

    I’m going to bed now.

  12. Rachael

    Congratulations & best wishes!

  13. tara on the wander

    congratulations, aimee. this is a big huge step, and i totally understand the need to savor this moment. (though i can’t wait to hear what you have up your sleeve…)

  14. Laurie

    Whoa! Clearly we have a lot to catch up on in New Orleans, besides Hurricanes.

    Huge year for change all around, and if anyone can rock it out it’s you.

    I love you.

  15. zipper

    Best wishes, Aimee.

  16. Rachel

    Good luck ahead – whatever comes along that takes you on a new journey 🙂

  17. Gena

    Good luck! You will do amazing things!!

  18. Magpie

    Much luck to you.

  19. Mary

    Amazing, amazing, amazing! What a courageous leap that I’m sure will lead to tremendous things.

  20. sue at nobaddays

    All the very best to you Aimee! You so need and deserve some time to rest and then step into something new.

  21. Carissa(GoodNCrazy)

    DUDE. All the best. Knock em dead!

  22. Amber

    You’re gonna rock this and a couple of years when you will look back upon it all, you’ll be glad you left when you did.

  23. monstergirlee

    I am so excited for you and your (and your family’s) New Adventure. Because you have learned so much over this time about doing business, about how things work, and mostly about Yourself, and its going to be awesome. I know you’re scared too but… Wow.
    Best of Luck to all the Greebles. Big sloppy hugs and kisses!

  24. mayberry

    Congratulations! I can’t wait to see what you do. It will be amazing.

  25. Glennia

    I have every confidence that you will succeed at whatever comes next for you. You are amazing.

  26. rajean

    You already know you can build a successful company, that counts for a whole lot. Have a wonderful next phase in your journey, Aimee!

  27. Boston Mamas

    You will rock this transition friend! I’m rooting for you! xoxoxo Christine

  28. Mimi McMe

    Good Luck. I did the exact same thing you are doing, only I did not co-own the company. Best wishes on your new adventure.

  29. Kelly

    Wow!! that’s huge! Scary and exciting. Good Luck lady, onward and upward! Big Hug, (or a big high five?! lol)

  30. Melissa

    Wow – how exciting! Good luck to you and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for the future!

  31. Laura M.

    Best of luck with the new life ahead of you.

  32. Lavender Luz

    Congrats, Aimee. Eager to see what your next chapter brings.

  33. Melisa with one S

    I admire your bravery in trying new things! Best of luck to you!! (I know you’ll do fine.)

  34. Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting

    Woohoo, excited for you and this change! 🙂

  35. The Casual Perfectionist

    Good luck, Aimee! I’m so excited for you! I remember making the leap from the “what I know ledge,” and it was the best thing I could have done. I can’t wait to hear all about your new adventures!

  36. Ed

    Best wishes on your new adventures Aimee! Definitely catch up in Austin at SouthBy.

  37. Brett Greene

    Awesome Aimee. It was time and you’re following your heart and talents so only greater things can be in the future. Congrats.

  38. Melissa Taylor

    It’s so true that sometimes the closure of one door opens something you could never have imagined. I know you’ll find something wonderful.


  39. Fear and Parenting in Las Vegas

    Congratulations. I’m sure you’ll be great. Talented folks like you have no problems finding great new opportunities.

  40. keli [at] kidnapped by suburbia

    wow, aimee. sounds exciting and nerve-wracking and wonderful all rolled into one huge ball of emotions. good luck!!

  41. EatPlayLove

    To the next chapter, I raise my glass of beer and CHEERS! You will rock it.

  42. Mishelle Lane/Secret Agent Mama

    Wonderful news, Aimee! Best wishes and lots of love!

  43. chloebear

    I have no doubt that an even more brighter future is in your horizon. Remember, I was there when you started this company – perhaps with even more trepidation since it was something so new for you. This time around I think it will be somewhat easier.

  44. ZDub

    Wow, how exciting! I know whatever you do is going to be amazing.

  45. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Again, thanks for all the nice words and support. You all are awesome.

  46. Julie Marsh

    I’m really happy for you. I know it’s a huge change, but I’m confident that it will be a positive one.

    Much love to you. Now let’s make some plans!

  47. Kim @ This Belle Rocks

    Absolutely! Good luck with your new path. Change is good!

  48. Sara (from Saving for Someday)


    Congratulations! I’m sure this is a wonderful opportunity to find success in another venture. Go out there and leave your mark on something new. Be the awesome that you are!

  49. Dana

    WOW, congrats, Aimee. I’m a big believer in change. It’s always scary, but the adventure is well worth it. Best of luck and I can’t wait to hear about your new career!

  50. Xtian

    I am so excited for you, proud of you, and inspired by you (as always). =)

  51. Mom O Matic

    You are an inspiration!

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