November Greeblemix + What Are You Up To This Weekend?
Happy weekend! What are you up to this fine weekend? I say fine, because, here in Denver is is going to be 75 degrees! YES! SEVENTY FIVE! So, what are we doing this afternoon? Sitting in a movie theater watching Megamind. Yes, until they learn how to project 3D alien characters in an outdoor theater, we are stuck in cold, bleary, air-conditioning with lots of popcorn.
We also have Denver’s Fancy Schmancy Tweetup this evening – for which I might even pull out a fancy schmancy dress.
But! Most importantly – here are this month’s random music winners!
#7 Nat
#1 Zenrain
#20 Sizzle
Email with your addresses! aimee at greeblemonkey dot com
Link to iTunes iMix
Leaving Trails by Mt. St. Helens Vietnam
What’s The Drawback? by The Silver Seas
I Feel It All by Feist
Never In New York by Nicholas Stevenson
Venetian Blue by Shawn Colvin
Golden Haze by Wild Nothing
Smile by Lily Allen
Sleepless In Silverlake by Les Savy Fav
Anything You Like by Nicholas Stevenson
Go On (Acoustic Version) by Rooney
Damaged by Erase Errata
Animal by Neon Trees
Crazy by Jem
Good Things Get Better by Keaton Simons
Listen by Amos Lee
Block After Block by Matt & Kim
Pale Bride by The Von Bondies
Growing Old by The Origin (hilarious video link)
Apartment by Young the Giant
Comin’ Through by The War On Drugs
Hope you enjoy, and hope you have a great weekend!
P.S. Did you see? HOLIDAY BERRIES was the final winner in the card vote-off! But, it was STILL very close!
I think I’m doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend. My husband and our sons went on an overnight campout, while me and my girls had a quiet night at home. The guys come home tonight, but I think we’re just going to watch movies and hang out. No plans for tomorrow either, unless I get proactive and do our meal plan and grocery shop.
I’ve been feeling kind of cruddy the past few days, so I’m trying to take it easy so I don’t get sick. I don’t have time to get sick!
It is COLD here in Ohio. Okay, not really cold, just in the 40s but much cooler than 75. It has been snowing off and on but it hasn’t really stuck, so sleet and freezing rain were here lots earlier today.
This weekend is a weekend that my oldest shows horses. Not my fave of weekends as we get up a couple of hours before the sun and drive an hour away so she can ride for about 5minutes but she works really hard to be able to do this and she is so happy and I am sure that someday I will miss doing this. Or at least that is what I am hoping.
That cover looks wicked cool and the songs are great as well. Congrats to the winners!
Really??!! YEAH! This weekend, those of us in Wyoming also have 70 degree weather! Which we are NOT used to at this time of year!! I just took a two day training on being a Tai Chi instructor! So watch out, next time you see me you will be Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane and Grasping the Peacock’s Tail!