Photos of Foster The People at Red Rocks
2013 was the first year we took Dex to shows at Red Rocks, and one of them was Foster The People – so the bar was set incredibly high. It was among *my* favorites of the season for sure. So, of course, I was thrilled at the opportunity to photograph the band when they returned to the best place on earth to see a concert again this year.
If Foster The People’s first album, “Torches,” was a cassette tape, I would have worn it out. It’s the kind that suits your mood even when your mood is all over the place. And when you see this band live, you realize just how much musicality is behind their sound; it’s not just some studio creation.
I love their second album “Supermodel,” almost as much and, in the case of some songs, even more than the first album. You may have heard about the mural controversy and I was glad to see Mark Foster and the city of LA have come to an agreement, because the artwork is gorgeous as well.
This year’s show opener was Lykke Li, who had a devoted group of fans in the crowd. It’s always nice to see the whole lineup get the place going.
When Foster The People came out, there was a large set of ice formations that honestly were a little hard to photograph, but seriously fun to watch as the band played. Mark himself will often switch between keyboards, drums and guitar – all while doing the majority of the singing. All the other guys are talented and fun to watch (and photograph) but seriously. Mark is mesmerizing.
After my three songs, I joined a friend in the crowd and we danced our asses off for the rest of the night.
So yeah. Seeing Foster The People the second time around was just as fun as the first.
More great concert photos!
Thanks Z! Appreciate all your support!
Fantastic photos. This band is awesome.
Thank you Andrew!
Not really a huge fan of FtP, but I do love me some good rock photos. 🙂 And I’ve heard that the new Lykke Li album is pretty good. I’ma go listen to that now. 🙂
I think you might like them much better live, Sam.
These are amazing! Love Foster The People!
This photo of Mark Foster is amazing.
Ha ha thanks Amy!