
Pinterest Makes Me Happy.

Have you seen Pinterest yet? It’s kind of like a bookmarking system, but visually, for all the things you love. You can set up “boards” by category and organize photos that link out on the web on anything that interests you. They also have a bookmark that allows you to automatically pin things from any web page.

Below is a screencap of all my current “pins.”


And it just keeps scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.

You follow other people, so when you log in, their pins appear in your main board and you can like, comment or repin their pins.

The best part? Apparently all the people I follow love Colin Firth as much as I do.

It’s still in beta, so let me know if you want an invite. I just need your email.

This article has 18 comments

  1. Keely

    It makes me happy too. I’m addicted.

  2. Amy

    I would love an invite please!

  3. Dawn

    Pinterest makes me very happy too…I just tweeted that this week! And yes, it’s very addictive 🙂

  4. chris

    Dude, 3 things:
    1) I SO want in invite please. 😉
    2) Your blog looks awesome!
    and 3) Tell me you’re going to Camp Shutter Sisters?!?

  5. Slice of Pink

    Oh! Fun! I want to play, too!

  6. Everyfann

    I looked and I don’t think i could keep up with it – but it sure is pretty!

  7. tara

    suddenly i’m hearing about pinterest everywhere! i’d love in invite.

  8. Kyria

    I want it!!

    I love Collin Firth. Who doesn’t! He’s great!

  9. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Kyria I need your email! You can email me if you don’t want to post it Aimee at Greeblemonkey dot com

  10. Meg - Tea & Brie

    I soooooo want an invite! I had put my name in to be considered for the beta but didn’t hear anything back!

  11. Meg - Tea & Brie

    I soooooo want an invite! I had put my name in to be considered for the beta but didn’t hear anything back!

  12. Meg - Tea & Brie

    I soooooo want an invite! I had put my name in to be considered for the beta but didn’t hear anything back!

  13. Meg - Tea & Brie

    I soooooo want an invite! I had put my name in to be considered for the beta but didn’t hear anything back!

  14. Christine

    WOW. Pinterest looks amazing…my bookmarks are always a distaster of a mess, but if I could arrange things visually like this I’d be an organizing fool. I’d love an invite! Thank you!

  15. kelly

    Hi Aimee! I just googled pinterest and found your place. I love it!
    And, I would love an invite too!! Thank you! 🙂
    (chasinghugo at gmail dot com)

  16. Jennifer Warner

    Hi Aimee! I Googled Pinterest and found your blog as well. Love the blog (added to my feed now!) and I am really wanting a Pinterest invite if you are willing! jennifer at jenniferwarner dot net

  17. Becky

    Hi Aimee, just saw your blog about Pinterest, I’m in love with that site and it just looks great! (BTW, I’m really happy that Colin Firth has won Oscar this year, thought he should have won it for his leading role in The Single Man last year! He and Julianne Moore did a such a good job in that film) Anyway, I’d really like a invitation to join Pinterest if you’re willing. My email: Thanks xxx love from N.Z

  18. Nini

    may I pretty please have an invite?

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