
Red Rocks Summer

The first time Declan attended an event at Red Rocks, it was a month ago – when the weather in Colorado was still unpredictable. Translation… it was sleeting sheets of icy rain for the The Fray. A concert Declan will remember from under a tarp. While shivering. And overwhelmed.

Because let’s face it. Nearly 10,000 people screaming from underneath huge red rocks can be a bit daunting.

Ever wondered what a concert at Red Rocks looks like? @thefray

Last night was Declan’s second trip to Red Rocks – for Film on the Rocks. It was a lovely night, sending a warm breeze and clear skies. With the exception of some haze from the High Park fire, which you could see all the way into Denver.


When the sun went down, and the twinkling lights of our skyline appeared, Declan gasped.

“That’s where we live!”

And then he looked up.

“There is the Big Dipper!”

He was astounded.

And less overwhelmed.

My kid just needs to get the hang of things to settle in.

My boys + Red Rocks = Awesome #latergram @bugfrog

I can’t wait for Foster The People on July 3rd.

This article has 4 comments

  1. Anonymous

    He is growing up so fast! – m

  2. monstergirlee

    Ah, if I had a bucket list it would be to see a show at Red Rocks. Such a great place.
    Dex is such a lucky guy, you are such lucky parents. yay.

  3. Everyfann

    So sweet! I love it!

  4. Becky

    Wow! Gorgeous! and p.s. you guys are the best parents.

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