
ROAR Retreat in Costa Rica #ROAR14

Ever since I went out on my own with Giese Media, I have had exceptional luck with clients. Even better, exceptional luck with clients coming back. After we launched the new Savvy Sassy Moms and Child Mode sites, their (separate) founders came back to me with a (collaborative) idea.

ROAR Retreat will be a social media conference held this fall in Costa Rica, where Andrea of SSM has relocated with her family. The idea revolves around bringing bloggers together to share ideas, to get empowered and to build community.

I was thrilled to work on such a fun design and web project with Andrea and Nadia, both of whom I respect very much. I also look forward to traveling to Costa Rica for the first time in September to get my roar on!


This article has 2 comments

  1. karen

    gorgeous web site design!

  2. KathyMorelli

    beautiful design!

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