Skinny Puppy at Fillmore Denver
I was thrilled to get to photograph Skinny Puppy at their recent stop at Fillmore Denver. One of the band’s defining features is their elaborate and visually striking live performances, which combine music with multimedia elements, costumes, and innovative stage design. While this definitely made for a technically difficult concert to shoot, it sure was entertaining to watch.
Skinny Puppy’s music is characterized by dark, experimental, and often dystopian soundscapes. How else to showcase that except by performing from behind a tent with projected shadow puppets? I often complain about dark stage lights at concerts in recent years, but I give Skinny Puppy a pass, because it suits their mood so well.
This was supposedly their final tour, and Goth Denver turned out in mass to catch these industrial musical pioneers (setlist below). While it makes me sad that I only got to see them for the first time 40+ years in, I am glad I got to see them at all. They finish up at the end of 2023 and we wish them the very best.
Skinny Puppy – Denver Concert Photos
Photos displayed in random order. Click any thumbnail for a larger version. Then use the navigation arrows (or your keyboard arrow keys) to move left and right through the photographs.
Skinny Puppy Setlist
Fillmore Denver – May 3, 2023
VX Gas Attack
Deep Down Trauma Hounds
Human Disease (S.K.U.M.M.)
Hardset Head
Morpheus Laughing
The Choke
Dig It
See other posts from Fillmore Denver!