
Sleep In For The Cure

Bryan made it home around lunchtime yesterday and Declan and I promptly jumped on him and hugged and kissed him nice and proper. He looked so incredibly tired (the theme of our lives lately) and was ready for a nap. But alas, our plumber/friend was able to come over just that afternoon to finish getting the kitchen ready for the new appliances, so Bryan had to help him do his thing for the rest of the day.

We went out to dinner last night because there is not a morsel of food in the whole house (OK, that’s a bit of an exaggeration – and I really didn’t feel like cooking anything). And as soon as Declan was in bed, so were we. It was comforting to hear Bryan breathing next to me again, and also a relief to hear him nearly snoring he was so deep in sleep. That almost never happens.

So, this morning is Denver’s Race for the Cure. We always do the Race for the Cure. Denver has been the largest Race for the Cure for 2 years running. But, we just could not face getting up and being there by 7am this morning, fighting the crowds, when all we wanted was a peaceful family morning before the drudgery of the work week starts in again. So, we skipped it.

Even though it’s always such an uplifting event. Even though we always walk to remember my Oma, who died from breast cancer. Even though Mom and Aunt Heidi contributed to our fundraising efforts.

We figure the money is still going to the right place and our right place this morning is home.

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