
Summer Homework Assignment: Percy Jackson

Note: This post is not sponsored in any way.

Declan had a teacher for second and third grade who just loves the Percy Jackson books. She kept trying to get him to read the series, but he just wasn’t having it. I have no idea why – because there were other similar books that he was reading and loving; it was just that series – and Harry Potter, if I am being honest – that he just never got into.

That changed this summer.

For some reason, Percy Jackson just clicked for him. He is voraciously blowing through all the books – those really thick, big books… and we are now hearing about all kinds of Greek myths on a daily basis.

Luckily for us slacker parents, once we finally got around to looking at his summer homework (to start middle school) – it basically came down to reading. And Percy Jackson was on the list of book suggestions. Well done us!

After finishing the required number of books to read, the kids had to then create their own version of a sequel to a book, and write a chapter for it. Dex’s chapter was due today and of course it was all about Percy Jackson, his adventures, his friends and a new character Declan had created called “Scratch.” As you can imagine, Scratch has many lovable tendencies that middle school kids have, but I dig this kind of summer homework assignment. Just read and be creative and keep your mind awake.

Sending the Dex’s chapter to his old teacher this very minute.

This article has 6 comments

  1. Karen

    Great twist on the regular “just read this summer!”

  2. Amy E

    I love Percy Jackson, the movies and the books. That is awesome, way to go, Dex!

  3. monstergirlee

    We love the Percy Jackson series! Sullivan has read it at least twice. Cannot wait for the new movie to come out. I bet Declan’s chapter is awesome.

  4. Sarah P

    My kids love these books!

  5. zipper

    Good for Dex!

  6. zipper

    Good for Dex!

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