Dear Heidi
It’s been over a week since you passed and I haven’t been able to really talk about it. I have so many thoughts and feelings, it’s a little impossible to sort it all out right now.
I knew when mom died, you wouldn’t be long after. Frick and Frack, as we called you, had been joined at the hip for your entire adult life. You made it 17 months past Mom and you missed her dearly every moment.
Now I will be the one (among many) missing both of you.
You were always my second mom and special confidante. You liked music and movies and we could talk about anything. You were creative and always encouraged my art, no matter how weird you thought it was. You loved hearing about our adventures. You had many adventures of your own, before the health problems took over.
When I asked Dex what he would miss most about you, he immediately said, “chewing gum.” Ever since having braces, gum grosses me out – but you loved it. So, I only allowed Dex to chew gum when you were visiting. Talk about Frick and Frack.
I still couldn’t bring myself to post a photo with actual gum showing.
Towards the end of your life, one of the hospice nurses said that you called me “your sunshine” that day. The truth is, you were always the sunshine of our family. Smiling and laughing and trying to make everyone happy.
It’s hard for me to be in your house without you. You worked so hard for everything you had in this life, including this house you built with Uncle Bill. As we sort through your treasures, please know we are thinking of you constantly.
I told you how I have been talking to mom since she died. Now you will be included in our conversations, and they just got a whole lot more fun.
Miss you forever.
Love, Aimee