Switching from iPhone to Lumia Windows Phone
I was iPhone from Day One. I waited in line, which luckily wasn’t all that long or I probably would have bailed, but I got one. And as many people know, I have been staunchly pro-iPhone since that moment. Honestly, until the last few years, there was no other choice. I have tried recent versions of Android and while I see its advantages, it didn’t make me want to move my phone number over.
In comes the Lumia 1020 and Windows Phone.
I have mentioned in posts recently how I came to know the folks from Nokia, and how they gave me a Lumia to check out. Quite simply, I fell in love with it. I made it my main phone a few weeks ago, and it’s been seamless. Yes, I have kept my iPhone as a secondary phone – primarily to watch all those non-transferable iTunes movies in bed as I go to sleep. But I seriously hated the iOS7 update and was ready for a change.
Here is why I am all in with Nokia Lumia.
1. The Lumia 1020 Camera
I have mentioned in previous Nokia posts how amazing this 41 MP camera is. As I get to know it better, I love it more. While there is a definite lag as the camera saves that huge photo, the photo that it is saving is gorgeous. So, yes, I may not snap photos as FAST as my DSLR, in many cases, the photos are a GOOD as my DSLR. Not as good as my iPhone. As good as my professional DSLR. Click here to see a high resolution untouched photo from my Lumia 1020 (it is a large file and may take a moment to load).
2. Windows Phone OS
I love the Metro style OS that relies heavily on a text-based user interface. I want to be able to glance at my phone and understand what it is telling me. As you can see from the screen shot to the right (my actual phone) that I have one, one, and nine unread emails (my three different accounts), my next appointment is (was) lunch and that UH-OH face says I have 4 unread text messages. Simple ways of conveying info that make life easier. Awesome.
3. Cortana
I admit it. I leaned heavily on Siri, so I wasn’t ready to make the switch until there was an alternative. I am a lazy, make the phone do my dirty work type of person. So far, Cortana has been up to the task with even a few advantages over Siri. For example, if you tell Cortana to remind you to get milk next time you are at the store, she will check WHICH store and then your reminder will pop up when you ENTER the store. Genius.
4. iCloud Integration in 8.1
Some people are surprised I jumped to a Microsoft product, but I really do give credit where credit is due. I love my Windows Phone. I will not however, be giving up my Mac Book Pro any time in the foreseeable future. I have all my contacts and calendars (note: calendars plural) nicely synced with iCloud and until they could sync with my phone, no way I was moving. All good now with the 8.1 update. I edit the calendar on my phone and it shows up on my computer, and vice versa. Plus, the People area on Windows Phone can connect social profiles!
5. Apps
A while back, my husband worked for a Surface Table company, so I got to play with Windows Phone early. There were hardly any apps available but it’s come a long way since then. Live tiles are easily customizable to make things personal, yet they still maintain that definite Windows Phone uniformity. Most of the apps I use have native versions, or good third party substitutions. They keep getting added every day, and while I do miss some of my iPhone apps (most notably Tweetbot and photo editors), it’s nowhere the problem it was when Windows Phone launched.
Those are the the basics but I’ll have loads more to tell you, including my favorite Windows Phone apps. (If you are a WP user, please share your best apps in the comments!)
Also, one more tip for those moving from iPhone to Windows Phone: Turn off iMessage on all of your devices or you may not get all your texts right away. If a specific friend is having trouble getting messages to you, they may have to change your contact to not be “iPhone” on their side. I have gotten some grief for not being “blue” anymore, but it’s worth it.
It’s everywhere!
this all makes sense. iphone lost their edge with that dumb ios7 update. have you been watching iphone 6 updates though?
Z, I have yet to read anything that makes me jump. Have you?
Funny how small your phone button is! We don’t use these things for a PHONE anymore do we??
I seriously HATE using the phone! LOL.
Brilliant! I’ve had my bright yellow 1020 since Christmas and not only do I absolutely love it, my friends and family are often suspicious that the photos I show them were actually taken on a ‘phone’! Windows Phone 8.1 closed a lot of gaps for people coming from other platforms too. Glad you made the switch, I’m sure you’ll love it! :^)
Andy – I have had that too – where people think I am fooling them with my DSLR pics. 😉
This article very closely parallels my personal experience. My wife has a 1020 and the photos are amazing. I have a Lumia 920 and am still debating whether my next phone will be something along the lines of the 930, or a successor to the 1520.
The Galaxy Note 4 has caught my attention as a possible phablet alternative… But I really want to stay in the Windows ecosystem. Hey Microsoft! How about a 1520+ with multiple windows and a pen?
Chris, it really is kind of amazing to have some many choices. I do have a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and really like that for iPad size alternative with Android OS (since I do web development, it is crucial to be able to see things everywhere). And for me, the 1020 is the perfect size. If you see in the photo above, I bought a case that holds credit cards which was also really important to me – I never carry anything other than my phone!
I’m a fellow WP user, also with a 1020, which I’ve had for about a year now. I love it, too! When I edit photos my preferred app is Fhotoroom. It’s got all the fun filters you might get in other more casual editors, but it also has tons of more powerful tools for more serious edits. I highly recommend it for mobile editing.
I agree, Fhotoroom is awesome for on the go editing.
Andy – I have been using Fotor but I will check it out for sure, thanks!
Windows Phone user/developer here.
The app situation is still not great in all honesty, but if it’s any consolation the most personal weather app on any platform was made especially for it: Appy Weather, http://appyweather.com.
Disclaimer: I’m this app’s developer so apologies for the shameless plug. But you’re an ex-iPhone user, so must have taste by association and that’s why I think you’ll appreciate the app.
Askismet thought this was spam but I approved it since I had asked for app suggestions! I actually like the Bing weather app but i will check yours out, thanks!
As an alternative to Tweetbot, the excellent Tweeetium is in beta for Windows Phone; Mehdoh is also popular.
Mary, thanks! – I have been using Tweetium and it is definitely the best thing out there! I also have Mehdoh and it’s pretty good. And actually I was surprised that the native Twitter app on Windows Phone is even better than the iOS version!
Pingback: A switch from iPhone to Lumia : Nokia Innovation
Interesting post, Windows Phone is my choice of smartphone but I have been using an Android phone lately and really miss Live Tiles. Also Action Centre which came with 8.1 helps you to not miss any notifications.
You say you miss photo editor app on iOS, have you tried Creative Studio? They have updated it recently and IMHO it isn’t as good as it uses to be but is still great.
Welcome to Windows Phone and I hope you have a great experience.
I will check it out, thanks!
Wow, this is a big deal – I never thought you would leave iPhone!
Good info Aimee. I’m due for an upgrade in Nov and will def check it out. Are you on AT&T? I can’t imagine not having my iPhone but I guess you never know. I do all my mail and calendar on Google. I suppose that should be no problem? Do you know?
No, one of the calendars sync comes from Google calendar (the concert calendar that feeds into the blog). I am on ATT and service has been just fine. I would go check them out in the store to see what you think!
I have been using a Samsung Galaxy S4 for a year now, and I migrated from an iPhone 4 based on a broken promise. I like its screen size and speed, but I do not like that I cannot hands-free call out of the box, my sound indicators sometimes don’t work, and there is no out-of-the-box way to back up the entire phone and restore it.
My wife has used the Lumia 920 for about a year and I now have Microsoft phone envy. My favorite right now is the Lumia 930, which is unfortunately available only in the UK. I can’t buy the Lumia Icon because I’m with AT&T. I would love it if Nokia would send me a Lumia 930 for free, because I would pimp that to everyone I know…even strangers! Do you know how I culd contact them about a Lumia 930?
Nathan, that is too bad. My friend Monika has the Icon on Verizon and it is amazing for video capture. I would suggest following the @NokiaUS accounts and talking to them via social media.
Carrier-exclusivity is a right ol’ pain in the buttocks (Verizon getting the Icon/930) but all is not lost. It is appearing more and more likely that Nokia-Microsoft will announce the 830 next week. If rumors are to be believed, this will be a great alternative to the 930, and could be on AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile.
There is always the unlocked, carrier-free route on eBay, swappa, etc. A 930 will work on at&t, but without LTE data speeds, just 4G (which I’d still decent).
Hope that helps! :^)
Sorry, should’ve read (which is still decent).
Also, see this link http://www.nokiainnovation.com/2014/08/13/lumia-830-might-come-in-different-variants/
Thanks for the information, guys! I researched the 830 and most of the specs are rumors. What draws me to the 930 is the 2.2 GHz quad-core CPU and 2 GB of RAM. I want a fast phone above all, and I was frustrated with the iPhone 4 because the UI lagged behind my fingers. My Galaxy S4 barely ever lags behind, and most apps open promptly. Oddly enough, the phone “app” takes just as long as Firefox to load. Weird.
I wasn’t aware that the 930 wouldn’t support LTE. That’s a bit disappointing, because the rest of the specs are perfect. As for the 830, I like the (rumored) screen size. I also checked out the HTC One M8 with Windows the other day, and I was pleased with the specs. But the 5″ screen size makes me afraid that I won’t be able to use it with one hand–the Galaxy S4 is big enough.
Aimee: I appreciate the information. I’ll join Twitter just to see what they have to say!
Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
I have been looking at making the switch from Apple for some time, I really can’t stand the constant updates and the iOS7 update was the last straw. It had so many issues, and long story, half my photos were deleted, along with a whole lot of music. It really frustrates me how apple has everyone wrapped around their finger. With your Lumia 1020, do you have many updates? like the apple iOS7 update?
And is it hard to transfer your photos from your nokia onto your macbook?
Thanks 🙂
I’ve just changed (today) … It’s daunting … But I hope to stick it out, iOS 8 wrecked my IPhone 4S!!
Yeah, it was a bit of a learning curve for me too, but I am shocked how quick I am getting – and how fast I am losing my iPhone skills.
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I am visually impaired. My iPhone can read my email and facebook to me.
Can my nokia lumia 520 do this too.
Please advise
I have been trying several weeks to have the Nokia read to me.
Hi Mary!
Here is the page from Windows that talks about using Speech on Windows Phone. I hope it helps!
And here is the link for Windows 8: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/how-to/wp8/apps/use-speech-on-my-phone
I really like the design on those Windows phone. Never thought I would give up on my iPhone bnut it is iritating me!
So you really are not missing the iPhone that much???
Agree! Recently jumped off the iOS and Android platforms and bought a Lumia 930. Absolutely fabulous phone and I am really liking WP 8.1 though waiting for Denim update to bring 4K video. The 930 is not the camera spec of the 1020 but other positives instead on the 930. I have been able to find apps for everything I want my phone to do and any remaining nice-to-haves not on WP will be fixed when Microsoft brings out WP 10 next year. While Apple and Google are happy to play around with MS and make life difficult, when MS has the platform that is scalable from phone through desktop everyone will want a piece of that market; what runs on your desktop can run on your phone. So far I like Cortana better than Siri, love the live tiles and how I can see so much that I want to know without actually opening apps unless I really need to. It’s also a beautiful phone to look at. While I wouldn’t choose the orange or green and I got the black one, frankly, once you add an inevitable back protective cover it can end up any color or pattern you like, leaving the gorgeous screen the main focus. Best decision I’ve made phone-wise in years – and I have no relationship with any of the companies.
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Hi, I’m thinking of switching over from my iphone to the Nokia Lumia. I don’t know if you can answer this, but can I transfer all my iTunes to the Lumia? Thanks!
It’s totally possible, I’ve done it a few times on various Lumias. This guide is quite helpful: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-gb/how-to/wp8/music-and-videos/copy-my-itunes-music-to-my-phone?signin=true :^)
it’s a decent phone with specs to easily give it a solid 2-year run. still, i’m not sure if Win10’s free upgrade is going to be available on this one, because if it isn’t, users are going to have to make an early switch.
I know this is an old article, but I appreciate you writing it. I feel exactly the same way about the Lumia 1020. I have used it off and on as my daily driver since 2013. I actually have a brand new, sealed yellow version arriving in the mail tomorrow. I have several videos on youtube (Six10 Creative) about using the Lumia 1020 as my daily driver in 2016. Everything you said in this article still applies today, April 2017! Nokia did it right! Makes me wonder though, why in the world would they let such an awesome camera go? Why not put it on a newer updated hardware device? Anyway, thanks for the article and I totally agree!
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