Concert Photos

Ben Roy and SPELLS Band - Denver Concert Photos

SPELLS Concert Photos from Hi-Dive Denver

You know Ben Roy? Most of Denver does, as a comedian from The Grawlix. But his band SPELLS is also gaining attention - only partially because Ben yells about them a lot. I like to go see them a lot, because they are awesome. And…

Photos: Augustana at the Bluebird Theater

I have been a longtime fan of the band Augustana, ever since 2005's All The Stars & Boulevards. Dan Layus and his band's latest album is wonderful too, with "Need A Little Sunshine" having been on repeat since its release. I was excited to finally…
Air Dubai Concert Photos

Photos: Air Dubai at the Bluebird Theater

It's pretty clear that one of my favorite bands (from Denver or not) is Air Dubai. I have photographed them many times and when they played the Bluebird late in 2014 after being on tour for most of the year, I was sure to be…
Airborne Toxic Event - Denver Photos

Airborne Toxic Event at Ogden Theatre

"Changing" from The Airborne Toxic Event's 2011 album "All At Once" ranks up there as one of my very favorite songs but I had never seen the band live before. Mikel Jollett and his crew recently played a two-night stint at Denver's Ogden Theatre, so…
New Politics

Photos: New Politics at the Gothic Theatre

The Danish band New Politics has quite a reputation around Denver. Our indie radio station KTCL has had them play at several large concerts, like last year's Keggs & Eggs... but for some reason I've missed every one. When I saw they were coming back…
Riot Fest 2014 Denver - Day 3

Riot Fest Denver 2014 Day 3 Concert Photos

Finally! My recap and photos from Riot Fest 2014 Denver Day 3. The problem with a music festival that has so many kick-ass artists is that it takes forEVER to get through your photos. But these pics were hopefully were worth the wait - because…
Kimbra - Concert - Denver

Kimbra on the Golden Echo Tour: Concert Photos

The first time I saw Kimbra live, she was opening for Foster The People and I was blown away. Stunning voice, great stage presence, and she made all of Red Rocks fall in love with her. When I saw that Kimbra was returning to Denver,…