
March of Dimes - March For Babies

March For Babies Denver is April 26th

Note: March of Dimes and Cigna provided statistics for this post but I was not compensated in any way.
Last week I posted about pre-e and mentioned that Dex was a premature baby. Honestly, it was one of the most stressful times of my life. Since then, I have bonded with other moms of premature babies, and also found support through the March of Dimes. We try to join in their annual March for Babies, but sometimes it conflicts with my birthday (this Sunday) and any corresponding plans. Yup. As it does this year. It's amazing to think these are the first photos we have of Dex. The first memories of motherhood I have are of the NICU and tubes and lights and stress. But without this amazing medical intervention, my son would not be here. I had a placental abruption, which could not have been predicted - and they still have no idea why it happened.

Wiredogs Video: “Am I The Resistance”

One of my favorite Denver bands (especially when I am in the mood for loud punk rock) is Wiredogs. I first knew them as The Hate, but the name never really suited them. They have a big sound and truly put on a raucous show…

Promise Walk for Preeclampsia

Approximately 7% of pregnant women develop a serious complication called preeclampsia, which can be deadly for mothers and babies. Symptoms include high blood pressure, protein in the urine, headaches, swelling, and a pain in the right part of the midsection. Preeclampsia is a leading cause of premature birth and kills 500,000 babies and 75,000 mothers worldwide each year.
Top Twitter In Denver, Colorado

Top Twitter People in Denver & Colorado

Everyone is posting their first-tweet and who-followed-them-first in celebration of Twitter's 8th birthday. Mine was a very benign "what is this thing about" type of comment in 2007, mainly to follow all the people I knew in Denver who had joined. All these years later I have found so many real (and imaginary) friends via Twitter, here in Colorado and around the world.
Man Man Denver

Man Man – On Oni Pond

I have often talked about how I find new music through my friends on Rdio. Sometimes it is embarrassing that a band is "new" to me and I look back and see how many previous albums they have that I had not heard of. Such…
Denver Music Blogs - List of blogger from Denver, Colorado, who write about music and concerts

List of Denver & Colorado Music Blogs [Updated 2024]

We have a such a great concert and music scene here in Colorado. In Denver, Ft. Collins, Colorado Springs, Boulder - bands are crazy good all over. Luckily we have lots of great people covering our local bands vis music blogs too. Check out these…
Denver Mom Blogger - Colorado

List of Denver and Colorado Mom Bloggers

When Amber from Mile High Mamas was trying to start that mom blogging site, way back in the old days, when we were using dial up modems and Pong was our only form of Angry Birds, she had a hard time finding ladies who were…