
Man Man Denver

Man Man – On Oni Pond

I have often talked about how I find new music through my friends on Rdio. Sometimes it is embarrassing that a band is “new” to me and I look back and see how many previous albums they have that I had not heard of. Such is Man Man, out of Philadelphia, whose latest “On Oni Pond” has been on repeat ever since its release late last year. The band is mainly two guys: Honus Honus and Pow Pow (I sense a naming convention going on here) along with with multi-instrumentalists Shono Murphy and Brown Sugar.

When they played in Denver recently, I was thrilled to photograph them. Super fun live. But, I mean, you can tell they have a sense of humor from their Wolf Blitzer video (that Anderson Cooper loves) before you even step in the door. But on top of the fun, they are all excellent musicians.

Great music and a great time? Perfect concert combination.


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This article has 8 comments

  1. Janie

    Oh man, I love those guys! great pics!

  2. Karen

    Will go check them out! Thx

  3. Anne

    I have never heard of them but I went and listened. So cool!

  4. Other Mom & Dad

    Wow, these are crazy good. Just found you. We’ll be back!

  5. julieanders40

    WOW! great pics – will check out Man Man.

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