
Thank You, Rockies

Wow, it’s been a wild couple of weeks here in Denver. And while we didn’t win, it sure has been fun. And that first game notwithstanding, I think our guys did play great – they just didn’t make it happen in the final numbers. And, yeah, yeah, OK… those Red Sox dudes are fierce.

When all was said and done, Bryan and I sat here dazed for a while… but – in all honestly – like we’ve all been saying – it’s just a total thrill for our little cowtown to even have made it this far. And I was also thrilled with how classy the Red Sox guys were in their speeches… (although don’t get me started on the Sox-centric coverage from Fox)… and the Rockies coach even made me cry a little.

So, thanks very much to the Colorado Rockies for a great season and for showing the world, yet again, how cool we are here in Colorado.

P.S. Go ahead and gloat, Allison. You deserve it. 🙂

This article has 13 comments

  1. Anonymous

    They had a good run, congrats.

    and YAY SOX! 😉

  2. Tree

    Both teams played well, pitched well, hit well. Both teams are class acts.

    I was riveted during all four games.

  3. Anonymous

    And let’s not forget the Rockies beat them when they met up earlier in the season!!!

  4. diana

    i agree. it was a thrill and honor to have our team play in the world series. for the most part, they played great. the sox just played better. and that’s what any game is all about. there’s always a team that wins and the other one that doesn’t win (i hate the term loser).

    Rockies – your fans love you and thank you for a great season.

  5. nutmeg

    I can’t comment on this post. For fear of sounding glib. Or bitter.

  6. Mr Lady

    I learned something this week…It really hurts to hold your breath for an entire week straight.

  7. soccer mom in denial

    The main reason I am grateful this is over is so I can finally go to sleep at a decent hour. Why couldn’t yesterday’s game have been at 2pm Colorado time? Oh right, football.

    No real need to gloat. We won. And you, my friend, have been a lot of fun to trade barbs with…

    Now I get to decide if I’m going to pull the boys from school this week for the parade. I didn’t the first time but it might be fun to do it once.

  8. Janet

    It’s nice to see some athletes behave! I’m sorry your team lost, but they did play hard. Yeah for the Sox, tho, only the second time in 3 gazillion years 🙂

  9. Marianne

    It was an exciting last game – I have to say the Rockies had me worried there for a bit.

    I’m happy with the way it ended though!

  10. jessica

    As a RI resident and Mass native, I am, of course, a Sox fan. But I have a friend in CO, and I thought of him often during the series (and the funny thing is, I doubt he cared!).

    This is my first trip to your blog – I like it!

  11. Mommy

    I watched the last inning too. I felt bad…I understand being a Twins fan myself.

  12. boogiemum (

    well, being from NE, of course I am a Red Sox fan. But I do have to say, your Rockies did wonderful! I am so glad for once that none of this had to do it all with my hubby’s favorite team the yankees….

  13. gretchen from lifenut

    You said it well.

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