The Trial of Jack and the Beanstalk
People can say what they will about public education, but we have been so impressed with Declan’s school – and his teacher over the last two years in particular. Sure. He is in 3rd grade now – the year that CSAP starts, and thus they all have to worry about THE TESTS. But, in addition to making sure the school lives up to the standards, they find time to work on the whole child, and be creative in their teaching.
Case in point: THE TRIAL.
Over the past few weeks, Declan’s class has been learning about JUSTICE – and what better way to do so than holding a mock trial?
The SUBJECT of this trial? Jack and the Beanstalk.
Not kidding.
Declan’s teacher had them doing EVERYTHING for this trial. Making golden eggs from clay for evidence (art). Writing out all their parts (creative writing). Examining the evidence (science).
All culminating to several days of actually performing the trial (theater) in class.
Of course, social studies came into play when my son – the “investigating officer” – burst into tears on the stand, breaking under the pressure of it all. The class and teacher were supportive, and he recovered quickly.
Because on top of learning about math and reading and all that academic stuff… the kids at Declan’s school learn about LIFE.
awww 🙂 it really sounds like the kids’ school here! i love it!
That is the sweetest thing ever. Go Dex! – m
That is SO cool! We had a “real” trial in high school and I still remember so much of what I learned.
FANTASTIC. That’s what the good teachers do, anyway. In addition to The Basics and teaching to the tests they teach children about LIFE.
sounds like a great school! And an amazing teacher.