
Top 25 Funny Tweets of Christmas 2011

Every so often I do a funny tweet round-up, and last year everyone seemed to like my best tweets of Christmas list. Well, when I say “like,” I mean laugh HYSTERICALLY and LOL and LMAO and ROTFL and IDKWTFIATA. (Try and see if you can figure the last one out. It’s a riddle.)

Either way, people asked me to do it again, and I was happy to – because all the humor tweeters, who I often find through, make me laugh all year long, and sometimes even PMPAL.

So, here we go, in alphabetical order, my top 25 tweets of Christmas.

Click the images to get to their Favstar accounts and follow and star the tinsel out of these people.

Happy holidays, friends!

25 Funny Tweets of 2010
25 Funny Tweets of 2012

This article has 13 comments

  1. Everyfann

    OH YAY!!!! I love these lists~! This year is awesome yet again. Merry Christmas Aimee!

  2. zipper

    Love this. Merry Christmas, Aimee!

  3. FireMom

    Awesome. Just awesome!

  4. Megan

    I loled for sure.

  5. Paxochka

    Thank you so much, Aimee! I’m truly honoured to be on your list.

  6. juicymorsel

    Thanks for including me.hat was very nice of you. (29 days and counting!)

  7. May

    Love it. Thanks.

  8. Cherish

    Ha! Great thing to read this morning.

  9. Angelina

    Hey, do this more!

  10. monstergirlee

    PMPAL – peed my pants a little?

    IDKWTFIATA – I don’t know what the fuck I am talking about.

    Love your tweet lists – I always find someone new to follow. Thanks hon!

  11. ManyMic

    OMG Aimee. Aweosme.

  12. Meghan @ Life Refocused

    Those are freaking hilarious.

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