Amanda Hawkins Concert Photos
I met Amanda Hawkins through a mutual friend and colleague, Tohbias Juniel, when he asked me to take photos of the Martin Luther King event in Denver last year. Amanda sang the national anthem and I was blown away by her voice. I then fell in love with her single “Get Back In Line” and often watch the video when I just want to pick up my mood.
She recently played at the school fundraising event I used to manage, Tellerpalooza. Let’s just say little miss Amanda Hawkins blew to roof off the Bluebird. But more importantly, little elementary school girls watched her in awe. Absolute AWE. Proving events like this are not just about raising money. It’s about showing these kids that anything is possible.
Amanda and her crew are wonderful people on top of wonderful musicians, and I was thrilled to photograph her show with Roniit back in January.
Nailed em again, Aimee
Thanks, Z!
whoa – these are fabulous. and I listened to the video – she is so great!
Thanks Julie! And yea – Amanda is amazing! Watch for her!
These are so pretty and I loved the video!
Thanks Karen – and yeah – Get Back In Line is definitely one of my sing in my office songs!
I don’t think I have seen the new site yet? But it’s great Aimee! And these photos are so beautiful. I went and checked out Amanda’s music and she is great!
Wow, she is great!!!