
An Awesome Birthday Present

OK, sure, my birthday is not technically till next week, but Jeff and Danielle couldn’t convince Poi Dog Pondering to delay their visit to Denver by a few days. I understood. I mean, the fact that they came to Denver to celebrate my birthday at all is pretty cool. And arranging for all those other people to show up so I wouldn’t feel stupid dancing by myself? Breeelliant!

But first, we had dinner at the Samba Room. Paella with lobster. Fruity mojitos. Seriously, the best way to start off a night. If only we’d been able to find a babysitter for Declan so Bryan could join us – it would have been perfect. But our best babysitters were the ones taking me out – a fatal flaw in the plan.

Next, to the Walnut Room for the show. Opening act Rob Drabkin amused us the whole way there and we hadn’t even heard him yet. Drabkin. Drahb-kin. Try it. It’s just fun to say. Then the dude stepped up on stage with his HUGE-ASS HAIR and KICKED HUGE-ASS AWESOME. I met him after his show and he was super friendly as well as talented. By this time, a few tequila shots had made their way down my throat (how did that happen???) But, I promise, tequila does not affect my ears. This kid is good. Very Dave Matthews Band, but good. Check him out. And not just because I promised him I would plug him on this blog.

And holy cow, Poi Dog Pondering is still so damn fun to see live. Bryan and I saw them at The Fox in Boulder over 12 years ago. TWELVE YEARS AGO. And yet, 12 years later, the ankle I broke in Mexico hurts like a motherfucker from dancing my ass ankle off last night. I can’t recommend this band highly enough if they come play near you. Run, do not wallk.

(Sorry for the cruddy sound quality. And the dancing.)

And we even got to meet the band afterwards. Because we are stalkers.

Lead singer and main songwriter Frank Orrall!

Oh. And if you don’t see them live, at least check out their latest album, 7. I listened to it on the way in – savoring those cool signatures all over it – and it is truly awesome. At first blush, I am loving Lemon Drop Man, Rusted Weather, Baby Together, and Heaven Only Knows the bestest. What do you guys think?

And, seriously, mucho thanks to Jeff and Danielle. Thumbs up for your gift-giving abilities. The hangover is totally worth it.

This article has 17 comments

  1. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    What’s a leads group?

    And yes! The birthday celebration is gonna last all week, dude.

  2. Mamma

    What a fun present! I remember them from college.

    I miss seeing live bands. Now I just see live little league games. They’re fun, but there’s a lot less dancing involved.

  3. Lindy

    Poi Dog Pondering, now that’s a blast from the past. Sounds like a fun night out.

  4. anne

    Well, happy birthday in advance! My birthday is the end of next week, and I’m going to celebrate by leaving my bra at the Little Bear Saloon… hee hee…

  5. zipper

    that’s a very fun present!

  6. Anonymous

    I haven’t heard the name Poi Dog Pondering in forever. Glad you had fun.

  7. Sizzle

    YAY! Jealous you got to meet Frank. I am going to see them when they come here, I just have to find someone to go with me. My best PDP girl lives in Portland and the show is during the week.

    I am SO glad you had a fab time!

  8. Lauren


  9. Amy

    Hey, I’ve met Rob Drabkin before. He’s a friend of a friend and came to our leads group one morning for fun (yeah right!). Anyway, haven’t seen him live, but will try to check him out. Would love it if he played an outdoor thing like City Park and we could take the kiddos. Glad you had fun! Can’t wait to add to the fun factor on Thursday!!

  10. Sue at eLuckypacket

    Happy almost Poi’thday — uh … boithday! I’m so lame!

  11. Anonymous

    That looks very fun. I checked out them on iTunes and I like it! Thanks!

  12. carrie

    What a way to kick off your birthday week!

    I love good friends like that – the hangover worthy kind. 🙂

  13. MB

    You rock, girl. Got my Greeblemonkey CD and I LUUUUUUUV it, by the way!!!

  14. Laurence

    You guys look like you had a blast! And thanks for the new music.

  15. Jenny, the Bloggess

    Happy early Poi birthday, my friend!

  16. Anonymous

    I am digging the new album, thanks!

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