Author: Aimee

Reason #237 to live in Colorado.

Driving up into the mountains to see the changing Aspens.Of course, we could have timed it better as we were about a week early, so the aspens were still a bit green. Nonetheless, we had a lovely drive, a wonderful picnic of leftover birthday food…

How to Impress a 4 Year Old

Since everyone is always looking for neat ideas for birthday presents, I thought I'd mention some really interesting ones that Declan absolutely loved. Not to say the other books, art supplies, stuffed animals and such that he received were not sincerely appreciated! Here are just…

Wrapping up Dextoberfest

Well, we ended the birthday week with a party for Declan at the house. We invited his all old friends and even one new one from his new school. It was pretty much a zoo, but Declan loved every minute of it.If you would like…

Blows Me Away

The wife of the colleague I met with in San Francisco accompanied him on the trip. Both of them are friends as well as colleagues. She was also a professor at his university, before a degenerative skin disease started taking her life away. I can't…