Author: Aimee

The Miracle of Butternut Squash Soup

I made the most amazing dinner tonight! Can you tell I am proud of myself? And it was soooooo simple. (I'll give a buck to anyone but Bryan who can place that reference).I browned some flank steak in the fry pan, I steamed a ton…

Taking one for the team.

Bryan and I have never been particularly very fond of football. But tonight, as the Broncos play the Ravens, we knew that Bryan's father would have been parked in front of the TV. Carroll watched any and all football - but especially when Baltimore played…

Depression Spirals

I thought the St. John's Wort was helping. Maybe it is, but maybe my period is stronger. All I know is I have been really down for the past week.Yes, I know my father in law just passed away. Yes, I know my husband had…

Shhh! Don’t tell Smokey the Bear…

Declan's class recently took a trip to the fire station and Declan has since become OBSESSED with fire safety. He took their words very seriously, and looks for fire alarms in every building we venture into. Seriously, the kid spots them on the ceiling of…

Sleep In For The Cure

Bryan made it home around lunchtime yesterday and Declan and I promptly jumped on him and hugged and kissed him nice and proper. He looked so incredibly tired (the theme of our lives lately) and was ready for a nap. But alas, our plumber/friend was…