Author: Aimee

4 Years

We had our work summer picnic today, which always heralds our anniversary. I can't believe we've had the company 4 years now and we're still going strong. When Mary started telling everyone stats about our growth today, I seriously got goosebumps. For example, we started…

Reason #157 Why Kids Are Fun…

Getting them to recite lines from movies.Especially from silly movies. Apparently Declan's friend Sophia can go line-for-line with Napoleon Dynamite. Which is cool and all - but she can't compare to the cheesiness that erupts from our house. My favorite being Declan yelling lines from…

More Weird Mouth Shit

I had the final dental visit for my veneers yesterday. To keep the veneers from getting sheered off by my incessant grinding, I am now one proud owner of a night guard. Supposedly the night guard has 3 purposes: to keep my teeth from touching…

Music Lover

Since we have the rule that no kiddie music is played in the car, Declan gets exposed to all sorts of tunes. I chuckle to myself though, because - much to his Dad's chagrin, Declan seems to prefer my alterna-pop style of music. He is…

132 Days in the Making

Rob came back to work today. Remember Rob? The guy who nearly died from pancreatitis? And has been out of the office for 132 days? He came back healthy, strong today... and is ready to wrestle a pair of lions to stay that way. I…

The Unwitting Clothes Horse

I'll admit I have a problem. OK, many problems - but the one I am referring to at this moment is how I can't seem to stop buying new clothes for my son. He could give a fig about what he wears, but I get…