Becky wanted to know why I haven’t posted on Sarah Palin.

Two reasons.

1. I tweeted my face off about it last week and I figured people were sick of hearing it.

2. Gloria Steinem said exactly what I wanted to say, but much better than I could ever have.

This article has 8 comments

  1. Sizzle

    I love that Gloria Steinem article. She really does say exactly how I feel.

  2. zenrain

    Funny because I was wondering the same thing! Guess I missed the tweets… 😉

  3. Bridge

    Amen Gloria!

  4. Nat

    I have a soft spot for Gloria Steinem. It’s really the nail on the head.

  5. Anonymous


  6. Megan

    I love that article.

  7. Becky

    wThank you for pointing out that article to me. It was great! And I just KNEW you had something to say about this subject and for those of us not on Twitter (gasp! I KNOW!) I was just amazed that nothing had been said. Now it has. YAY!

  8. nutmeg

    But here is even better news: It won’t work.

    From her lips to …

    Thank you so much for the link – I had missed it!

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