
Best Christmas Music Playlist Ever! (300+ Songs)

Many people know I just moved to Spotify from Rdio, and imported a ton of playlists on the way. I have been cultivating my Christmas music for years now, so I was glad to see almost all the songs came over and I’ve spent the past few weeks polishing it up and adding new tunes from 2015. Clearly, I love the holidays, and holiday music!

I am not bashful about how much I love my holiday music playlist, either.

Christmas Music Playlist - with over 300 songs!

Many of the songs on the playlist lean towards indie and alternative music, but since I love just about everything when it comes to Christmas music, there is plenty of pop, rock, R&B, jazz and traditional songs in there too.

I hope you enjoy… and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

P.S. What Christmas music did I miss?

This article has 4 comments

  1. Ramesh

    Thanks for the awesome songs collections. We are planning for guitar tab of song Jingle Bell for this Christmas and will give gift to our older parents. I remember, they had given us the same in my childhood. Thanks for the sharing.

  2. Barbara | Creative Culinary

    Thanks Aimee; a welcome addition to my holiday. I have a great playlist on an iPod connected to my stereo buy I seldom play it when I’m working since turning it off and on is a pain if I get a call. But this works…and you’ve introduced me to some new artists and music and I love it all!

  3. Ben

    We played this all Christmas day. Thanks for the tunes!

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