
Adoptive Families (Vlog)

I had been going down a path with a video site, and we both decided to go in other directions. Before that, I made some videos way back that never were used - and I just found one that made my heart smile. Talking about…


I feel very lucky. In many ways, Declan is incredibly thoughtful. He shares. He thinks. He helps.But sometimes, I look around and see others, how they grew up - and I get scared. Scared he will change and turn and twist throughout the tumultuous teen…

A Plea To Netflix About Parental Controls

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Netflix is raising their prices. Technically they are splitting their plans: One DVD at home for $7.99 and/or Instant Streaming for $7.99. I know the world has been pooping their pants over this for a week, but really? That price hike is…


This past week I was in Park City for the EVO conference. It was a wonderful time of learning and bonding with fellow women in social media. But one conversation stands out for me, and captures how I feel about people I have met through…

Do You Eat Adventurously?

All my life, I have been fairly all about the meat and potatoes. There is too much German in me, I think. People tease me that I think ketchup is spicy. I need a shot of something alcoholic before I'm willing to have a bite…


"Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger."I'm thinking whoever said that never went through a series of health-related garbage so bizarre that people only half-believe the stories.First my eyes. Then my ear.I have seen more doctors in the last 6 months than in the…