
Writer’s Block

When people ask me, I often say I am a mom blogger, because I certainly started out that way. Most of what I wrote about were things Dex was up to, in order to help me remember them.As he grew, I pulled back to protect…

Spring Break Flip Flops

For whatever reason, we didn't put Dex into camp for Spring Break this year and decided to just wing it. I mean, we have this new, wild and crazy lifestyle of working from home, right? We can make this work, right?Enter friends of his, and…

Safety First

We're at this weird age with Dex that he is old enough to stretch his wings a bit, but he's still pretty vulnerable. Mostly because, even though we live in an urban part of Denver, his life has been fairly sheltered and protected. Although, given…

Favorite SuperBowl Ads 2013

Wow. What a weird game. Those Ravens gave this former Maryland girl a heart attack.But more importantly, most of the commercials did too - with their lameness. I know I will get flamed, but by far my least favorite was the overly preachy, long-winded Paul…

Good vs. Well

There was something early on in my marriage that threatened to tear us apart. A small corner of the grammar world that has turned into one of my biggest pet peeves. No... not "you're vs. your" ... or the one I usually am a victim…

Pollution Project

Dex's Martin Luther King Jr. project had two parts. He had to write an essay about how MLK inspired him to change the world, but he also had to create an art project that shows the effects of the problem he, Dex, chose to tackle.…

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Project

I love the project Declan is working on this week. It really encompasses the best in education. Learning, sure - but also, thinking. Growing. Plus, he is challenging himself to be a better person.Of course, they are learning about the legacy of Martin Luther King…