
March Greeblepix Finalists!

Oh, hello. Don't mind me. I have just been up for about 5 days straight at SXSW and am a leeeeetle bit tired. But I am home safe, and reacquainting myself with my family and my bed, both of which are awesome. AND checking out…

March Greeblepix Contest

I am in Austin, at SXSW, and I didn't even bring my DSLR with me this time, because most parties around the conference don't even let you in with it, so I decided to give my back a break and leave it home. But the…

February Greeblepix Contest Winner!

OK, I loved every single finalist - which is why they were there. But did you SEE this photo in large size? Apparently you did, which is why you voted it the winner.Congrats to Edward McGowan! Check out the rest of his awesome Flickrstream, it's…

February Greeblepix Contest

Yay! Photo time! And extra thanks for all the nice comments in yesterday's Valentine's post - particularly about this contest. I really appreciate it. Have I mentioned lately how much you all rock? Yeah, I think I do all the time, but I really mean…

January Greeblepix Winner!

Holy cow, folks. You go crazy for inspirational photos. We had very close to *1,000* votes.And while you liked all the photos A LOT, this one clearly spoke to you.I mean how could it not? The moment when a mother touches her newborn for the…