
Funny Tweets

50 Funny People of Twitter

I wanted to bring your attention to some people on Twitter who crack me up on a daily basis. In alphabetical order, showing a funny tweet from each, and the tweet linked to their Twitter page. Have at it.  

A Manual for Manual Camera Settings

I have had a few friends ask me for pointers on working in manual mode. And really, the first advice I can give is to just PLAY. Get comfortable with your camera, and understand how it reacts to light and different situations - IN NON-STRESS…

Halloween Leftovers

I just kind of realized I never really finished up talking about the fun we had on Halloween. For trick-or-treating, we went over to Declan's friend Lulu's house. Which was highly entertaining because Lulu's Dad was dressed up as Ashley Todd and Lulu's uncle was…

Bubble Bowl

I finally finished another pottery piece! I say "finally," because I have been to pottery class about three times this whole summer. But I am really happy with this one. Yay me! It's basically a simple press mold (where you press clay into a mold,…

5 Photo Cropping Tips That Will Save Your Life

OK, that's a little melodramatic. But here are 5 things that I either learned in photography or graphic design classes that help me out when I am either framing a picture in the viewfinder/LCD or looking for a more interesting crop later in my editing…

The Great State Debate

Julie did one thing that irked me when she moved to Colorado. She referred to this state as the "midwest" in her blog bio.Seriously? The Midwest? When everybody and their brother calls Denver a "cowtown?" When, before our wedding in 1996, we actually had friends…

My Lucky Rocketship Underpants

I spent a significant portion of my afternoon searching for examples of the Calvin & Hobbes cartoons where Calvin talks about his lucky rocketship underpants and how they make him more prepared and excited for his day. But apparently, there are zero examples of that…