
Best of 2021 Spotify Playlist - Indie, Rock, Pop Music

Best of 2021 Indie Music Playlist

What year is it again? Oh right! 2021! And believe it or not, I curated more songs into my "Best Of The Year" music playlist than ever before. Perhaps there were some pent up songs, pent up feelings, or I was just really was ready…
Leon Bridges - Mission Ballroom - Denver Concert Photos

Leon Bridges at Mission Ballroom Denver

It's been so long since the last time I saw Leon Bridges live, his 2021 show at Mission Ballroom was high on my priority list. Any music he puts out instantly hits my playlists, and the great news is this: he is even better live.…
St. Augustine, Florida - List of Things To Do - Travel Tips

Best Things To Do in St. Augustine, Florida

I went to college in St. Augustine in the early 90s, and it was the perfect place for me. Gorgeous location, great weather, laid-back atmosphere, but still tons of history (because it was founded in 1565!). Located one hour south of Jacksonville, one hour north…

Tips For Becoming a Concert Photographer

I recently talked to my friend Nancy from Midlife Mixtape on her podcast about my route to concert photography, and it brought me back to this post. I have been keeping notes for a long time, compiling them – because people often ask, "how can…