Close Call
At bedtime just now…
Declan: Mama, where do people come from?
Me: [Oh crap! Oh crap! Stall, stall!] What do you mean?
Declan: Like, how are people made?
Me: [OK, here we go. Just do it. You can do this. Just explain it in the simplest terms you can. Ready, BREAK!] You mean, like how babies are born? Well, OK…
Declan: No! I mean like toys! Toys that are shaped like people. How are they made?
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Phew! That was soooo close.
Yay for getting to avoid that for a while longer!
I love Declan. And I love the glimpse into your head.
ha! you lucked out!
You dodged a bullet there. I had to try to have the convo with my 6year old and that was probably the most awkward since Bill had to give Hillary a heads-up about some news relating to his friend Monica.
I am going to have a total oh shit moment when this question gets asked.
So far princess knows that children can be born by C-section.. we have yet to travel further south in our discussions. So not looking forward to it 🙂
That was great!!
I still inwardly freak out EVERY TIME we reference ANY part of “The talk”.
Here’s the thing – we have talked a lot about how babies are BORN, since he came early and via c-section. Just not how they are MADE.
always clarify the question before answering!
That really was close.
ha! funny.
You dodged that bullet!
Wipe the sweat from your brow and thank your lucky stars you won’t have to give the definition of the word “prostitute” (like I had to last night) for many more years! 🙂
lucky for me…emily already informed ME where babies come from. i didn’t even have to give her “the talk”
now keep your fingers crossed that she’ll explain to josh so i won’t have to!
Ali, can I borrow Emily?
It reminded me of the story.
A little girl who asked her mom, “Mommy where did I come from?”
Her mom in a panic decides to be totally honest and explain the “whole” thing. As she finishes, her daughter looking thoroughly confused says,
“Oh, because there is a new girl in my class and she came from Cleveland!”
So, what did you tell him about how toy people where made?
i had to explain it to my 9 year old.
i told him we would come back to some of the parts i left out in two more years, but we got the basics covered.
ha ha ha ha ha!
loved this!
Yah mom, how are those little people made?
Ha ha! That was so great!
Ahahahahahahaha! That bit of dialogue just made my evening. Thank you for sharing.
Happy Mother’s Day, Aimee!
The real question can’t be far behind!!!