Denver’s Underground Music Showcase (UMS) Announces Initial Lineup
It’s become a ritual of summer for many of us to at least take Friday off. Because starting Thursday night in late July, so many bands have taken over south Broadway in Denver, what’s the point of working? The Denver Post hosts UMS (Underground Music Showcase) again this year and promises 400+ bands over four days for the extraordinarily cheap price of $50. (We already bought our pre-sale tickets for cheaper than that.)
The first 27 bands have been announced and they include great acts like Real Estate, A. Tom Collins, The Epilogues, Residual Kid, Ark Life, Snake Rattle Rattle Snake, Ian Cooke and my boyfriends In The Whale. (Bands at UMS, prepare for street interviews.)
The other part of this festival that some people miss completely in the haze of music and beer are panel sessions to help musicians make a living in the kick-ass crazy-hard world of rock and roll. Those are called “The Sesh” and info will be up on the UMS site soon.
Get your tickets now. Prepare for the hottest time of the year in Denver. Walk up and down Broadway and meet every band who plays here. Trust me on this. We’ll have fun.
I still have never made it out for the UMS. It always seems so crazy but I know it would be a blast.
Will, we have never gone either.
You too, Ben!
You definitely should go this year!
And you made me FINALLY go get a gravatar.
My favorite weekend of the year! The Belle Jar will be playing it again, so look for us on the schedule. 🙂
Yay Matthew! And we have some cool things in the works to that I will message you about.
Fantastic. Thanks!
Need to check out your band, Matthew.
For sure, Ben! We’re playing Friday at Hi Dive with some other rad bands if you’re looking for something to do.
Oooh! I hope you give tickets away for this too?
I will need to check with them, Amy!
looks like a really cool event
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