
From a Freckle to a Scream

Necessary preface #1: Declan was so tired after school this evening that he fell asleep listening to B-I-N-G-O in his room while I was making dinner.

Necessary preface #2: Declan has a rather large mole on his scalp that isn’t really an issue, except that it sits right in his part, so I always purposely part his hair on the other side. To avoid sun exposure – and well, it’s fugly.


In the bathroom, doing final prep before bed.

Declan: (sitting on his little stool) Daddy, I am really tired.

Bryan: I know, let’s get done and you can lay down.

Declan: I am really, really, really tired.

Bryan: I know, stand up so we can brush your teeth. But watch out for the…


Bryan: (in a sensitive, caring Daddy voice): Oh no, you hit your head on the sink, huh?

Declan: (wailing in exhaustion and pain): YESSSSSSSSSS!!! AND RIGHT ON MY MOLE!!!!

This article has 10 comments

  1. Builder Mama

    Oh yeah. We’ve had a few of those nights too. One night it was meltdown over toe fuzz.

  2. aimee / greeblemonkey

    toe fuzz? LOL!

    But I just thought it was hysterical that he felt hitting his mole made it hurt worse.

  3. aimee / greeblemonkey

    And WTH are we doing up so early on Saturday morning???

  4. nobaddays

    Sorry … snorting (as only a mother can) at Declan’s expense. ANd of course this happens at least five times a day at our place. Up this early because for the first time in a week, sick boy slept through the night and after 6 1/2 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I was wide awake and didn’t quite know what else to do but turn on the ‘puter and have some quiet ME time.

  5. Sizzle

    that’s so sweet and funny!

    love the name declan.

  6. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Thanks Sizzle. You probably know this – but it’s Elvis Costello’s real name. Not that we named him after Elvis Costello or anything, but maybe better than saying we named him after a saint.

  7. aimee / greeblemonkey

    (a saint’s a lot to live up to!)

  8. Builder Mama

    I was up since I had fallen into a coma around 9:30 Friday night on the couch…moved to our bed at midnight…moved to the guest room bed at 3 AM (MM was coughing)…and awake at 7 AM. Not sure why the clock thing said 5:38, it was really 7:38 my time. Still early though.

  9. Anonymous

    Declan is the funniest little person I know – I just love him to death!


  10. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Liz, because I am on Mountain time – 2 hours behind you. I just wasn’t thinking. Too early. *I* really was up at 6:30am for some weird reason.

    And thanks AH :))

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