
I guess I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

Coming to Maryland is what’s called “being run ragged from dusk till dawn.” Not to mention the fact that it’s suddenly 90 degrees here plus the added bonus of 100% Maryland humidity which I am sooooo not used to anymore. But Declan is loving every second of it. Especially playing with his cousin Ridgely. The two of them are chasing each other around the house like maniacs; Declan runs and Ridgley follows. So, for once in his life, I guess Declan is truly experiencing what it’s like to have a little brother.

Declan melted my heart by saying, “I am so glad we came here again.”

Yeah, if I don’t die from exhaustion and heat stroke, that is.

This article has 6 comments

  1. acethehappywife (aimee e)

    where are the pictures of the boys????

  2. aimee / greeblemonkey

    they are just running me too ragged!!!

  3. MPPs Mom

    I’m sorry it’s so jam packed, but I’m beyond thrilled you made a little time for us. We loved seeing you!!! And I forgot about the present you were bringing for DH…..that rocked!

  4. merrymishaps

    What — you weren’t enjoying the oppressive humidity?

    I missed the thunderstorms Sunday night (we got home late), but was able to enjoy a BBQ yesterday.

    The weather felt the same as Jamaica! (Maybe a few degrees cooler, but just as humid!)

  5. Anonymous

    I’m happy that Declan enjoyed coming back here too!! IT COULDN’T HAVE BEEN A BETTER TIME even with the humidity….the only thing missing was Bryan

    Love you guys

  6. Tree

    Sounds glorious (except for that humidity!). Cannot wait for more details.

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