iPhone Confusion
I thought my miracle had finally arrived. The iPhone. A contraption that would combine about 6 different devices into one and sync seamlessly with my Mac. And allow me to check my email from anywhere.
But I am not so sure.
The geeks at the office have been doing their research for me (because all the big words confuse me), and there is concern about whether the internet access that will come through the phone (when I am away from WiFi, which when you think about it, is when I really need it) will be acceptable. That the Net is all abuzz that the iPhone is more of an “entertainment phone” and not really a “business phone.” That the email and calendaring functionality is not beefy enough compared to the iTunes capabilities. Godammit, I want it all!
The other main complaint seems to be the thing it too slick. Like slippery. Like it keeps slipping out of the testers hands and crashing on the floor. But I am sure some 3rd party vendor already has a neon green gel casing in the works to cover that.
I am mainly concerned about the internet access thing. Because helllllloooooo. I want to be able to do blog posts from anywhere! Inspired in the ladies bathroom at the mall? Post! What good is this expensive contraption that locks me in to AT&T for two years if I can’t pee and post at the same time???
June 29th. We’ll see.
I still want one.
I’m still waiting to get my first iPod and/or iMac… I miss my old Macintosh days.
Have you seen anything on whether the iphone can be used to connect the ibook with the internet? I have a verizon account that gives me a card so I can have internet access at our vacation property, but it doesn’t work with my ibook so I have to steal/borrow my husband’s pc laptop. Hoping, hoping, hoping.
We have one of those cards for work, and I thought it worked on our Macbooks too. Weird. I will ask.
Yeah, I know… But I don’t like the lack of control I have when I do that. I still do have type A hidden in me. LOL. I want to see the post, make sure it looks OK, etc. And the cell phone does funky things with the headlines sometimes too.
ROFLMAO. Question answered!
It is actually very easy to set up Blogger to accept text and photo messages from a cell phone … so while you can’t write an expecially long blog post, you still can blog while peeing!
Tech stuff is so confusing!