Like, ahmawgawd, I totally do it too!

Remember how some little twit at Declan’s daycare taught him how to use the word “like” in the middle of a sentence with absolutely no meaning whatsoever?

We have been diligently drilling it back out of him, and little followerer that he is, he has been diligently trying very hard to drop the word from his vocabulary. Unless of course he wants to say, “I like that outfit you have on, Mama,” which is always acceptable in my book.

It’s been going great. Until I heard this 5 times yesterday:

“Mama, you didn’t need to use the word ‘like’ in that sentence.”


I’ve, like, totally created a little monster.

This article has 6 comments

  1. Sarah


  2. Sizzle

    do not ever hang out with me.

    like, i’m totally serious.


  3. aimee / greeblemonkey

    but, like, I’m totally fun!

  4. Sarah

    that is hilarious!

  5. nutmeg

    I keep thinking of your post because since I read it, I hear everybody doing it! It’s like so effing annoying now!

  6. Catherine


    I’m trying to get my oldest to say SAID. As in, “And he SAID, ‘You’re, like, totally cool.'”

    Instead of, “And he goes, ‘You’re, like, totally cool.'”

    He goes. She goes. Grandma goes…. I don’t know where she got that, but it drives me apeshit!

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