Lovely, lovely Fools.
As you know, this weekend was supposed to be a girl’s fiesta in Chicago. I was going to meet up with 5 other ladies who I met through a message board where the main topic of conversation was babies to be born in November 2002. (Of course, Declan came in September and spoiled that little plan). Oddly enough, almost all of us were born in April. Making us a bunch of April Fools. And we have remained great friends since then. But most of us had never met in person, thus this grand gathering in Chicago. We had tickets, plans and itineraries.
Of course, when I got the news about Dad, I knew I was going to have to bail on them. It broke my heart, but – of course – there was no other choice.
I fully expected them to carry on and have a great time and take lots of pictures for me to see them having a great time.
But they all cancelled their tickets, plans and itineraries.
For me.
Proclaimed loud and proud that it would not be the same… without me.
I am humbled to have such good friends. Who cares that we haven’t actually even met yet.
Thank you Jen, Jen, Tami, Tisha and Stacie. I look forward to rescheduling and buying you all a big fat drink to toast our friendship with.