
Mid-Day Date

Last weekend, Declan had a drop-off birthday party at the Aquarium. Yay for him, but more importantly, YAY FOR US. We got to walk around downtown, me with my camera, Bryan with his sketch pad and just BE WITH EACH OTHER. And we even snuck in a drink near Coors Field. All in all: AWESOME.

(Psst! That’s Bryan sketching back there! Cutie!)

(click any image for larger version)

This article has 21 comments

  1. Sizzle

    Those are awesome! Yay for couple-time. 🙂

  2. chloebear

    I love the street shot! and knowing Bryan is the one sketching in the background makes me want a copy for myself! HOW AWESOME!

  3. Anonymous


  4. I am Heather...creator of all things crafty!

    Found your blog through Andie’s Sweet Southern Spirited. Love your pic’s. What type of camera do you use? I love how part of your pic is blurred. I wish I knew how to do that same thing for the jewelry I design pic’s. I have a Canon Rebel XT digital 8.0 megapixels. Is this type of picture possible with my camera? Heather

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Heather, I have a Canon 40D but also have the exact same camera you have. The blur is called Depth of Field (DOF). It is easier to achieve when you have the camera set to a low fstop, such as 2.8. The fstop capabilities are usually dependent on the lens, but even with the lens that came with the camera, you should be able to do it when you play around with the manual settings! Have fun!

  6. Miss Britt


    That is all. You know why…

  7. Ashmystir

    I’m all about couple time! VERY cool pics.

  8. Mandy

    I saw your answer to Heather, but I was wondering if you were using a macro lens for some of those shots?

    I love photography and haven’t had enough time to properly learn how to use my dSLR. I also cruised through your photography site… really, really awesome shots.

  9. nutmeg

    If only some poor fool would invite all four of ours to a birthday party!

  10. Keely

    Couple time is so important! Yay for you guys! 🙂 I love those pics!

  11. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Bill, great question… sadly no! He is more private than me! 🙂 Even though those who know him in real life are surprised by that.

  12. carrie

    How fun!

    It’s amazing what a little alone time can produce . . . they are all wonderful!

  13. bill

    Great shots, all. I love the hydrant.

    Does Bryan post his sketches anywhere? Apologies if that subject has already been covered elsewhere.

  14. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Mandy, I was using my Canon 17-55mm lens for those shots, but I do have a 60mm macro that I love as well.

    And Fi, there is a noticeable different between the Rebel and the 40D, but there are pros and cons. And alot of it has to do with the wonderful 17-55 lens too. But there are things that are better on the Rebel and things that are better on the 40D. for example, the LCD on the 40D is VERY inaccurate, which is ANNOYING!!! But I think the controls are easier to manage on the the 40D. And the 40D is WAY WAY WAY heavier.

  15. J at

    LOVE couple time. Grown up time. Quiet time. Creative time. All at once? The BEST.

  16. pinks & blues girls

    Those shots are amazing. I love walking around downtown areas. There’s so much to be seen. Glad you were able to have a little together time with your hubby!

    Jane, Pinks & Blues

  17. Fi

    Nice shooting Aimee. Like the machinery closeups. Got myself a Macro lens recently and I’m dying to get that perfect pixel sharp close up but I’m finding it’s more than a simple matter of just pointing the camera and pressing a button! Some swotting up on aperture and IOS’s is necessary I reckon! And perfecting putting up my wobbly tripod…

    Is the diff between your 40D and the Rebel quite noticeable? I have a Canon 400D which I think – looking at the specs – is exactly the same as the Rebel. I love it but do like to daydream about owning one of the higher spec’d cameras in the photo magazines I get. Dreams are free!

  18. BethGo

    These are good. Th street shot is my favorite too.

    AND I luurve the name Declan.

  19. blogapotamus

    Cities offer such fertile ground for interesting picture taking. 🙂 Lovely!

    Also, hooray for Mom and Pop time! The Rock Star and I greedily covet it.

  20. Nadine

    Time together with just the husband… it feels like AGES ago.Glad you enjoyed it! the photos are beautiful!

  21. samantha jo campen

    I love days like that. Glad you enjoyed it together!

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