
Names with "monkey" in it are cool!

Fellow Etsyian Spacemonkey was kind enough to email me and let me know that A) she put one of my photos in her treasury and B) it made it to the Etsy front page the other day!

Of course, I totally missed it because I have been in meeting hell all week… but now I know why this photo was viewed 811 times this week:

This article has 5 comments

  1. mothergoosemouse

    Yay! That’s fantastic publicity – congrats! Here’s hoping it translates to sales.

  2. Anonymous


  3. Sarah

    Congrats! And what a lovely photo!

  4. mar


  5. Tree

    That is one of my favorites of yours, too, Aimee. I am definitely buying a copy to put somewhere in my to-be-renovated home.

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