Photos Out The Wazoo

I know, I know. The photo posts are probably getting old. But I am sitting in BWI flipping through the trillion pics I took this weekend, drinking a beer, plugged into the wall with my laptop, waiting for my flight home, and thus photos are what you get. And who can resist photos of a beautiful pregnant woman?

Guess who it is? Jenny from the block. She is due in May with their first child and couldn’t be happier.

Can you tell?

My only regret is that while I did see one other pregnant lady on my trip – my dear friend Christina, who is due only 4 days before Jenny – alas, we were do busy dishing about the Oscars with my family to find time for baby bump photos. Next time, friends. Next time.

And to all you DC-Mar-Va bloggers – next time, as well.

This article has 10 comments

  1. zipper

    She is very pretty. Congrats to her on the baby.

  2. Anonymous

    NO! Don’t stop the photo posts!

  3. villanovababy

    This is just to show you how screwed up I am from too much E! television. I noticed that your preggo friends have the same names as two other new celebrity mothers! (J.Lo & Christina Aguilera) I am such a flaming dork. 🙂

  4. nylonthread

    I don’t know how you did it, but she honestly is GLOWING. Right off the screen. Beautiful pics!

  5. Minnesota Matron

    As someone sad to leave that era behind, I am a sucker for the belly photo. Lovely, as are all those in your blog. More photo posts, please!


    I have a good friend due in May, and one due in June. I cannot wait! for the sweet newborn baby goodness that awaits me. Err, I mean, THEM. But vicariously: me.

  7. Megan

    those are stunning.

  8. samantha Jo Campen

    Oh I wish you could photograph my baby bump!!

  9. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    I know SJC, I wish I could take pics of you too!

  10. Janet

    That first shot is gorgeous, she’s totally glowing!

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