
Preemptive PJ Post

The lovely Gwen already has her photos up from the PBJs in Your PJs party tonight and I just HAD to steal a few to show you. Can I just say Richard rocks, our friends rock, and the internet rocks??? Thanks to all our pals who showed up on Ustream to join in the fun.

My feet, Bryan‘s feet

Love for Joel

Tara and I getting ready to get DOWN.

More later. Peace out, G.

This article has 6 comments

  1. sambycat

    i have those same pjs! snow globes rock!!!!!

  2. zenrain

    how ya feeling this morning?? 😉

  3. Meghann

    It was a blast, thanks for letting those of us from afar participate!

    I have some awesome screenshots by the way, lol!

  4. chloebear

    I had a great time and now I’m paying for it!!! Great mix of people!

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    looks like a good time!!!

  6. Jennifer, Playgroups Are No Place For Children


    I wanna have fun, too!

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