
Snow That Product - Denver Concert Photos - Mission Ballroom

Snow Tha Product at Mission Ballroom

I first caught Snow Tha Product at Denver’s Grandoozy and I was blown away. Seeing her at her own show was a priority, because of course she would be completely kick-ass in her own house. The opportunity came at the end of December, her last show of the year, and mine – when she headlined Mission Ballroom. Bonus: Snow brought on several Denver locals (including the incredible YaSi) as her openers.

The place was pretty combative for a while, so much so that Snow had to stop and tell people to stop fucking things up for her. Once everyone presumably had enough alcohol to chill out, the mood definitely improved. I, myself, was doused with champagne by Snow several times. Love that she is such a party girl.

There were tinges of sorrow there too. She talked about growing up in a traditional Mexican family, wanting to be a girl rapper, and then coming out as queer. But, in her typical style, Snow quickly moved the mood back to a celebration – rapidly spitting out both Spanish and English to end the decade on a very high note.

Snow Tha Product – Denver Photos

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See my other posts from Mission Ballroom!

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