
Barns Courtney

Best Concert Photos 2022 - Denver Music Blog - Greeblehaus

Best Denver Concert Photos 2022

2022 was the year that roared back – at least in terms of concerts. We maintain a concert calendar for the Denver area, and last year it was packed wall to wall with shows. Zero complaints – and lots of late nights! This made 2022…
Barns Courtney - Denver Concert Photos

Barns Courtney at Summit Denver

I have seen Barns Courtney play live several times and he never disappoints. This English singer/songwriter/musician spent his early years here in the States, which adds to his familiar-yet-exotic feel. Given the touring headaches everyone had the past few years, Barns is still out supporting…
The Wombats - Denver Concert Photos - Music Blog

The Wombats and Barns Courtney at Ogden Theatre

I have seen The Wombats at least three or four times now (including earlier this year) and they never disappoint. Dark room, loud music - exactly what you would expect at a pop-punk show. What I didn't expect? A marriage proposal from stage. No joke.…