
denver music blog

Vance Joy 2015

Vance Joy: Concert Photos from Gothic Denver

Sometimes I like to know what I am getting into when I see a concert. For Vance Joy, there are three main points to know: He is fairly mellow, he sings incredibly well, and is much taller than you think. He doesn't address the crowd…
Denver Music Scene

SF1 and Diversity in the Denver Music Scene

Recently my friend and Open Air DJ Alisha Sweeney had a great piece on NPR's Here & Now about the Denver music scene. She talked about one of my favorite chameleons, Nate Rateliff, who performs in variations of his own projects that are rock, folk,…
Foster The People Red Rocks 2014

Photos of Foster The People at Red Rocks

2013 was the first year we took Dex to shows at Red Rocks, and one of them was Foster The People - so the bar was set incredibly high. It was among *my* favorites of the season for sure. So, of course, I was thrilled at the opportunity to photograph the band when they returned to the best place on earth to see a concert again this year. If Foster The People's first album, "Torches," was a cassette tape, I would have worn it out. It's the kind that suits your mood even when your mood is all over the place. And when you see this band live, you realize just how much musicality is behind their sound; it's not just some studio creation. I love their second album "Supermodel," almost as much and, in the case of some songs, even more than the first album. You may have heard about the mural controversy and I was glad to see Mark Foster and the city of LA have come to an agreement, because the artwork is gorgeous as well.
Neon Trees Denver Pop Psychology

Neon Trees at Ogden Theatre

Note: Tickets were provided by Neon Trees but all photos and words are mine.
I saw Neon Trees live for the first time in 2011 when I was lucky enough to photograph Duran Duran and they were the opening act. I was blown away. I was beyond lucky when Neon Trees invited me back to photograph their Pop Psychology tour stop in Denver at the Ogden Theatre - not only because they have become one of my favorite bands musically - but I knew it would be crazy fun to shoot them as the headliner.
The Fray at Red Rocks

The Fray at Red Rocks

The Fray are cursed. Every single time they play at Red Rocks, it absolutely pours. As if Mother Nature grabs a huge bucket and dumps it on Morrison, Colorado, whenever she hears the first few notes of Over My Head. Not joking. DUMPS. I know,…
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